Monday 22 February 2016

The Merc with the Mouth

Deadpool (2016)

8.6/10 on IMDb
84% on Rotten Tomatoes

Chloe's thoughts: Signed, sealed and recommended by Chloe; Watch it in cinemas
Watch it if you: Want to watch a superhero movie that's different from the others; want to be thoroughly entertained; want to laugh a lot and want to watch some really cool action sequences

So I watched Deadpool for Valentine's Day (don't judge), and it was pretty great!

Ryan Reynolds returns and does justice to the beloved character of Deadpool (previously screwed up when "the studio inexplicably sewed his fucking mouth shut the first time"). Ahh, yes... remember when Deadpool had his mouth sewn shut and was given retractable sword blades in his arms, along with the ability to teleport and shoot lasers from his eyes? Yeah... aren't we glad that Days of Future Past erased some of this stuff?

Speaking of which... Colossus now has a Russian accent. I thought it was weird but apparently he was always Russian, and according to IMDb, now that Days of Future Past has erased stuff, they have begun to redo a few things properly. I was sad to see that the actor has also changed too, though.

But yeah, it was great to see them incorporate the X-Men in. Because Marvel doesn't have the rights to them we've never seen the X-Men appear as a cameo or in a minor role, so it was refreshing to see this. I forgot about this, so I was semi-shocked when I heard the word "mutant", but it was a great feeling nonetheless.

Back to the actual film... I was pretty hesitant when I saw the trailers for the film, but it ended up being pretty darn fantastic.

Right from the get go you will know this will be a good time. The opening credits are the best opening credits I have ever seen, and it helped set the tone, almost as if telling you, "We do not take ourselves seriously, so you shouldn't take this film seriously. Sit back and relax, because we're going to make Deadpool right again."

And sure enough the acting was great, and the storyline was good. But, the BEST parts of the film were the actual script and the action sequences. To be honest, I thought I would hate the script. I thought the jokes wouldn't be that great because I was getting real sick of the trailers (seriously, that brown pants joke was getting so old even the first time I saw it - when was the last time we heard that joke... when we were five years old?), but i was so surprised at how well they handled the quick-witted merc with the mouth who's constantly breaking the fourth wall.

Also, I usually hate when movie characters just think they are so funny and are so arrogant, and CONSTANTLY make quips - it annoys the hell out of me. But even though Wade Wilson is a cocky bastard who makes quips at a faster rate than he draws breaths, it was handled really well. Sure, some jokes were predictable and immature, but the film allowed these jokes to be a medium for storytelling; we can see the whole personality of Wade Wilson through them, showing you that even if he's in pain, he will annoy the HELL out of you for the sake of annoying the hell out of you.

Overall, this was a fun movie to watch in theatres, it was a pretty great superhero movie, and heck it was even a good Valentine's date.

Just remember, don't bring your little kiddies to watch this, because they will be in for a mature-themed-cuss-battling treat if you do.

A few side notes:
  • The soundtrack to this was great
  • The actress for Vanessa looks so much better with long hair
  • Fun fact, she was also the actress for Chloe Crazy Eyes in How I Met Your Mother
  • Ed Skrein, the actor for Ajax, is so cute (he reminds me of Nicholas Hoult and he looks so much better than in Game of Thrones)

    Best quotes of the film ~SPOILERS~ (not really, but they detract from the fun if you've already heard them)

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