Saturday 13 September 2014

Superhero Spam

Guardians of the Galaxy

8.6/10 on IMDb
92% on Rotten Tomatoes

I'll be perfectly honest here, I definitely wasn't expecting much of this film. When I saw the trailer that came on before X-Men: Days of Future Past, I thought it was a super cheesy and try-hard film. Honestly, some of the stuff in the trailer looked ridiculous, and not in the good sense.

BUT I did quite enjoy this movie. I probably didn't like it as much as a lot of others do, and this may be due to the fact that it was really really hyped up. Another reason might be just because it felt like it dragged on for quite some time. They set up certain scenes to make you think the movie was ending, but then it just doesn't.

But apart from that, it really was quite enjoyable. The jokes in it aren't as cheesy and try-hard as I thought they were; they definitely weren't as bad as the jokes at the beginning of The Lego Movie, so that's a big plus.

Even though the plot dragged out, I really liked the characters of this movie. We seem to get a glimpse of Peter (Star Lord) Quill's childhood and traumas, but it would have been amazing if they spent a bit longer introducing his character, as well as the rest of the Gaurdians'. Gamora was my personal favourite since she was super sassy and a real badass. I absolutely loved it every time she tilted her head because she just looked so cool.

But anyway, I still really liked the other characters, especially Rocket, since you see him as such an overconfident and proud raccoon-mutt thing (drawing from The Hunger Games' idea of muttations), but then you realise he's actually really insecure and vulnerable BECAUSE he's so different.

So overall I quite enjoyed it and was pleasantly surprised by the plot/characters/humour, but I don't know if I would watch it again in the near future.

*UPDATE*: I watched it again in the near future and I've changed my mind; it's actually a pretty great film.

Green Lantern

5.7/10 on IMDb
26% on Rotten Tomatoes

Do not be fooled. Ryan Reynolds in all his handsome glory cannot save this movie.

I saw this movie in the library and thought, "Oh hey, how come I totally forgot about this and haven't seen this yet!" So of course I borrowed it, expecting to have a lovely time watching it. However, I then quickly realised that it was rated quite badly and had some very harsh reviews of it online. Nonetheless, I thought I may as well watch it seeing as we've already borrowed it...

I guess since I expected and knew it was going to be terrible, it didn't come as too much of a shock to me, but it was still pretty bad. The film just didn't have any substance. Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively are beautiful people... and that was probably the only good thing of the movie. The plot wasn't that good, which is a shame because my brother was telling me about the premise of Green Lantern in the comic books after I watched the movie, and it seems like the movie could have gone to such great places, but unfortunately didn't.

Someone (I forgot who) put it well when they said this movie would have been good if it came out before we saw all the Marvel and Batman movies and had our superhero movie expectations raised.

They also had an end-credits scene which JeremyJahns thought was cute, the whole idea of the producers thinking they could have a sequel.

I was also confused as to what the other Green Lantern people did... like in the movie there's thousands of them, but... they don't do anything? They're not very useful and they just wasted all their talent.

Oh I totally forgot. Another thing that was good was the fact that they address the whole just-because-you-cover-your-eyes-doesn't-mean-your-identity-is-a-secret plot hole in a lot of classic superhero movies/stories. I thought that was pretty funny and worth giving credit for.

Long story short, this movie isn't that great. Sure you can still enjoy your time, but it's not a memorable or really emotionally-investing film.

Man of Steel

7.3/10 on IMDb
56% on Rotten Tomatoes

I can't remember why I didn't want to watch Man of Steel when it first came out (probably just because others were saying it was bad), but I remember being very very sick of Superman movies. I probably haven't seen all the superman movies, but I've definitely watched a lot when I was younger, and I really don't like the idea of Superman because he seems too crazy. Like it's just stupid that he's always being pitched against Lex Luthor and that he only has one weakness; Kryptonite. I've always much preferred other superheroes like Batman or Iron Man, who are just regular humans and serve as a symbol to us regular humans that we don't need super powers to be amazing (we just need billions of dollars).

In saying that, I liked this film better than expected. He doesn't go up against humans this time, he goes up against other aliens just like him! Finally, an actual match in terms of his crazy speed, flying, strength and laser eyes. And it looks cool. For like a straight hour, literally, there's nothing shown except amazing visuals and fighting sequences.

I also really loved his 'transformation', from terrified-of-his-powers young Clark to yay-I-can-fly-literally-around-the-world Superman. I don't recall seeing this in many of the films (but then again I was really young), and I didn't watch Smallville (the TV show), so I quite liked this change. However, as I said, it did feel like it dragged out for quite some time. Not only his transformation, but even the transformation (and downfall) of Krypton itself was pretty cool (and yet, somehow, still dragged out a bit).

I loved Amy Adams as Lois Lane though; she always amazes me. Michael Shannon was great as General Zod and Kevin Costner/Russell Crowe as the fathers. Henry Cavill as Superman himself was pretty good; I guess this is his first major film since I don't recognise him from anything and his IMDb portfolio is a bit lacking. So this is a great break for him.

The film also leaves me to ponder on how Batman vs Superman will pan out. In this film we see a lot of crazy stuff, like aliens from Krypton flying through buildings and punching each other at super fast speeds. I mean, how can Batman even handle this?! I mean yeah, sure, he could grab some Kryptonite and weaken Superman but am I wrong in assuming that the ending of this film kind of alludes to the fact that Superman is getting better and more adjusted to Kryptonite and Kryptonian climatisation? I dunno, maybe I just didn't pay enough attention to it.

But in the end I was glad to have watched it. I was seriously very reluctant, but I thought, "Hey, we have the DVD at the moment so I might as well check it out." I wasn't disappointed.

(But let's face it, who could be disappointed after watching Green Lantern?)

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