Sunday 21 September 2014

Getting Hyped


It came out on Tuesday and man oh man am I excited! I seriously cannot wait until November 20th!

And also I finally got my Cinebuzz VIP card!

About time though, honestly. Even last year (and possibly earlier) on my account it said that I had VIP status, but I never got my card until I complained to them. I only got it about a week ago, which sucks since their new points system means VIP members can't get extra points =[

At least I have free popcorn refills (which are pretty much useless as it requires me to buy popcorn in the first place) and other VIP promotions...

Anyway this blog I think I'll take a break from reviewing movies. I've been watching a few here and there but right now I'm just super excited for the upcoming month!

Firstly, mid-sem break is coming up soon and I can finally take a break! Usually I have all these assessments due the week after mid-sem break, but this semester is pretty good in that most of my assessments will be done by mid-sem break, allowing me to actually HAVE A BREAK!

So me and some friends from high school are heading out for an overnight camping trip, which I'm super excited for, because I haven't been out camping since 2009 Duke of Ed.

So that's the Sunday to Monday planned, and then on Tuesday I'm heading to a training day for SPARK, which is a volunteering service that partners with Vinnies helping refugee children with their homework in an after-school care centre. The training lasts for the whole day, but I'm pretty excited to start getting some psych-related stuff done as well as have a break from just tutoring English students (although this probably won't be that much different).

Then on the Wednesday of mid-sem break I'm watching Gone Girl at Chicks at the Flicks! I've never been to Chicks at the Flicks, but I've heard some amazing things about it. It's a bit more expensive than usual ($27) but it's in V-max and also includes sparkling on arrival, as well as a meal! They've also got gift bags where they give out some good freebies to everyone. I think it'll be similar to the Mother's Day event that I went to with my mum earlier this year, so I'm pretty excited for it.

Then I've also booked tickets to climb the Harbour Bridge with my mum! It's going to be in mid October and I honestly am looking forward to this the most because for some time it's been a lifelong dream to climb it. I'm praying it won't be raining, but I guess it'll just add to the experience even if it is! Hopefully I won't get too nauseous (knowing me I would still freak out heaps though), but even if I do I guess once you start there's no stopping, so maybe it'll help me overcome my fear of heights...?

And lastly for the month of October I'm going whale watching with my mum and dad near the end of the month! We're going on the Soren Larson, which is this really nice tall ship, instead of the typical ferry or boat. It's really expensive ($250 pp), but we got this Adrenalin deal that's only $99pp. It even includes morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, as well as the opportunity to climb up the mast and literally learn the ropes and how to set sail.

So that's pretty much what I've got planned for the next month! Diwan and I have also booked tickets for Cirque du Soleil at the end of November, but the hype for that can come after all of this...

Anyway, I wanted to end by talking about a few games.

The Last of Us

So my brother's been playing this game for the past month or so every now and then when he gets back from work and my mum and I have been watching him play it as if we were watching a movie.

Might I say, I love watching this. Most of the games he plays look weird or uninteresting, but since this follows a man who has lost his daughter in a zombie-apocalyptic future, I absolutely love it. The actual plot is surprisingly interesting; you've got different types of zombies and different friends/partners along the way. You can also see the character development quite well across the different chapters. Also, the fact that the main character keeps reminding me of Gerard Butler (and the main female sort of reminds me of Ellen Page) might be a reason why I am so entranced by it.

I played a bit of it when there was no action going on, but I couldn't control him properly and he was riding his horse around really retardedly, so I stopped before anything legit came up! I much prefer watching my brother and telling him what to do (because at times I'm right about something and get really smug about it all).

Apparently there's also a movie in the making based on this game, which I'm pretty keen for. I really hope Gerard Butler does it, but he'd have to have a southern American accent for it to be really legit, but I guess that doesn't really matter. There's also a rumour going around that Maisie Williams is going to be Ellie, but I'm not sure how legit this is. I think she could play it well, but once again they'd both need to have American accents since it's set there and her character will be quite different from Arya Stark. Hopefully it all turns out good though.

Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective

Yup, we're back to board games. My brother's been buying way too many for me to keep track of, but recently he bought this game and it's so fun!

The basic premise is that you're helping Sherlock Holmes solve several crimes. There are ten booklets for ten crimes. Each booklet will have an introduction on the basic premise of the crime, and after you read the introduction, you decide on which leads you want to follow. You search up the leads by looking at the phone directory that's used for all ten crimes, but you go back to the booklet to find more information from these leads.

Once you decide to stop following leads, you turn to the end and answer the questions they ask. The first set of questions are related to the crime (like who did it and why), while the second set of questions are quite random. The first set of questions total to 100 points, while the second set totals to max 40 points.

Sherlock Holmes always scores 100 points, and the aim of the game is to beat Sherlock's score. For each case, you will be told how many leads Sherlock used, and so with every extra lead you took to solve the case, you take away 5 points.

It's pretty hard to beat Sherlock, but they said it was possible (doubt it). But it's still really interesting to try and go through and solve the case properly, using your own deductive skills. I was pretty annoyed at one part of the solutions for the first case, because I really think that they kind of jumped the gun and just made it seem like Sherlock was assuming something. It really seemed impossible for even Sherlock to figure that out, especially because he's not supposed to be the best (that'd be Mycroft). I think he should have at least had another lead!

Another thing is that you can only play this game once, since you'll know all the solutions by the end of the ten cases. I've only done one case though, so the game lasts for quite some time. I think they're in the process of creating an expansion as well, so that'll be interesting. You can also play it individually or as a group, but the latter might be harder since you need to agree on which leads to follow.

This is probably one of my favourite board games out there. Seeing that it was created in 1981, it's also pretty clever how they developed it.

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