Saturday 27 June 2009

RIP Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett

so lately the news has been full of Michael Jackson's death, which has impacted greatly on many people, including me.
but not because i loved him and was crazy over him, but because it's a reality check for me.

Sure he was relli famous and two generations have loved him, but why is there so much focus on him on the news? There's barely anything on Farrah Fawcett or other people who have died or are struggling right now.
Parents tell me "oh you probably don't know how famous he was and how he changed so many people's lives."
Please, I know how famous he was.

People die everyday.
People are suffering everyday.
But when Michael Jackson dies, quote my brother, the whole world has to stop. Why?
No, i'm not saying anything against Michael Jackson's death, of course it is sad, but let's not take this as a chance to mourn his exit, but a chance to celebrate his life and ours.

People die everyday.
People are suffering everyday.
And here we are, sitting in our comfy homes, taking every little thing for granted while people all around the world are homeless, lying in their death beds, battling against cancer, or don't even know if they'll live to welcome another day.

why are we so selfish?
always complaining about how boring life is, how boring school is, how the net is capped, how the computer crashes, how theres no food left in the pantry to eat.
let's make the most out of everything.
Smile at everything you have, give, or are given.
Remember that some people can't even imagine the luxuries or previleges that we have.
Our deepest problems are nothing to them. Our lowlights are their extreme highlights.
We have no idea wat's going on in the world.
We have no idea wat's going to happen.
I could step outside my house and get killed. You never know.

So, Live life to the fullest and don't have any regrets.

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