You know, my brain is like a really old computer. I try to turn it off, but it takes like one, no, two hours (i went to bed at 10 and was still wide awake at 12) to close both foreground and background programs. These include: the day I just had, my stupid elastics, Murray winning 2 sets to 1 against Cilic (at which point I went to bed), the surprisingly bright light permeating my window curtains, 8 become 1, Taylor Swift's Love Story meets Coldplay's Viva la Vida, and future events such as: the first day of school, grocery shopping really quickly to avoid missing Federer and Tsonga, the big party my family is throwing Saturday (where I have to make Tiramisu the night before really quickly to avoid missing Federer and Tsonga), cancelling my tennis lessons and opening a NAB account.Then, and ONLY THEN, does my motherboard start shutting itself down, a process with the approximate duration of ANOTHER HOUR.
Why, oh why, can I not fall asleep in five minutes? No, even one hour is good enough for me.
Happy belated birthday to: Australia Jessica Pham Ying Ying Cheung
Phammie and yy, MA15+! =]
Thank you soooooo much to Phammie, Diwan, and Alice for my belated birthday presents!!! =D
Lately, I've been on StumbleUpon A LOT (because i'm so bored) and I found this awesum site.
It's a virtual painting/drawing site and dude, i just LOVE IT.
Here are the things I did:
Pretty cool, huh? And yeh, they're pretty small here and look better up close =P
Anyway, also, a while ago I saw this video on youtube with this illusion thing, I downloaded the pdf and made it and it looks awesum!!
ahhhh I LOVE IT! =D
ANYWAI, school soon, in like...OMGSH FOUR DAYS?! wattheheckkkkkkkkkkkk
i didn't even realise
i just kept saying "school next week" and now its "school this week"
T.T *sigh*
Last week I started going to sleep earlier and waking up earlier, to prepare myself for school, and recently I've gone back to sleeping later and waking up later!
I'm gonna DIE on friday.
OHOHOH Federer vs Hewitt tonight!!! lol, he's gonna be owned (even though I'm not rooting for Federer).
And! omgsh aren't you so disappointed in Ivanovic and Baghdatis? they used to be awesum and now you like never hear of them anymore...
and also wattheheck? Sharapova being knocked out the first round?
No doubt everything I know and love has gone crazy.
Oh gosh, I REALLY REALLY want to watch Valentine's Day.
LOL this video is so funny:
Gran Torino (film)
So Walt Kowalsky (Clint Eastwood) is a Korean War veteran, and he kind of despises everything going on in the world. He's really lonely and gets easily angered. His neighbours are these Asians, Hmong people and he really hates them because, well they're Asian. So yeah, basically that's the movie, and obviously they show his relationship with the Hmong people growing and stuff like that.
This movie's actually pretty good. It's extremely funny how Clint Eastwood is so racist against the Asians. Not really that controversial as I thought it would be, it wasn't really predictable, maybe half-half. At the beginning I felt it was moving quite slow, but then it got better. Anyway, yeah, pretty good movie.
Rachel Getting Married (film)
Kym, played by Anne Hathaway, gets out of rehab to attend her sister's wedding. Kym has a terrible past involving drugs and alcohol, but her family still shows their love for her. But then, at the wedding recital, Kym gets a bit jealous that all the attention is on the couple getting married, and she does some stupid self-centered things and that starts sparks domestic chaos.
Okay, do I start? Basically, I'm never ever going to so much as TOUCH that movie ever again. Look, the director really has some screwed up mind. The whole movie was filmed by a hand held camera, and that also included random zoom ins and outs that was just UNNECESSARY. One user reviewer on IMDb stated: "Rachel Gets Married, Audience Gets Headache." I totally agree with that. But it wasn't just the camera's fault. The storyline was interesting, yes (I mean Anne Hathaway as some messed up girl, of course I'll be interested), but seriously, so many boring bits in the film like, they would sing songs at the wedding recital for what seems like HOURS, they would keep saying mundane speeches to the bride for HOURS and it didn't help that there was hardly any music, and when there WAS music, it was so annoying, it never stopped! I can't believe everyone was saying how good this film was, raving about Anne Hathaway. I mean she was okay, but the film just SUCKED. Argh seriously, just don't watch this film.
Inkheart (film)
Mo, Brendan Fraser, has this special ability that whatever he reads aloud will come alive. He has a daughter, somewhere in her teens, and their mother has disappeared. He is in desperate need of this book, Inkheart, which he believes can bring his wife back if he read her out of it. And then, trouble comes and these bad guys (that he read out of Inkheart about nine years ago) come and capture him and want him to read the Shadow (the ultimate bad guy in the story) out of the book.
Okay so that wasn't the best summary but oh well. lol. This movie was actually alright- better than Rachel Getting Married at least. I expected it to be like really stupid, predictable and cliche, and wasn't really looking forward to watching it. Although it is cliche in the most cliche of ways, although it's a little predictable, and although the bad guys seem quite stupid (and the fact that Capricorn looks so much like Gollum/Smeagol just stuck in mind the entire movie), it wasn't that bad. But in saying that, I'm not saying it was a good film. More like...neutral. Like you're not going to die watching it, but I probably won't watch it again.
Oh, I IMDb'ed Capricorn and yes, he was Gollum/Smeagol. =D
Anyway so I really need to find another book to read. Holidays are almost over and I really having nothing to do!
The Book Thief (novel by Markus Zusak) I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right. ------- You save someone. You kill them. ------- A last note from your narrator: I am haunted by humans.
That book is just sooo awe-sum. In all honesty, I actually cried near the end! It was so good that by the time I finished reading it, my eyes were fully sore and red and stuff, not because I've been crying, but because I was reading it for AGES. I think I read somewhere between a quarter and a half of the book yesterday because I just couldn't put it down! Even the first chapter of the prologue was just like WOAH I can tell this book is gonna be awesum.
Actually, no. Even BEFORE the prologue; the BLURB.
How good is that blurb?! It's so unconventional, and it captures you the first line "Here is a small fact: You are going to die." It definitely is a MUST read. Drop everything your doing, go to the library and pick this up!!!
Oh yeah, because (as it says in the blurb) it's set during Nazi Germany, a lot of bombs and controversy with Jews have occurred throughout the book. One picture that will be forever in my mind is:
The Book Thief (novel by Markus Zusak) For now, Rudy and Liesel made their way onto Himmel Street in the rain. He was the crazy one who had painted himself black and defeated the world. She was the book thief without the words. Trust me, though, the words were on their way, and when they arrived,Liesel would hold them in her hands like the clouds, and she would wring them out like the rain. ------- Even death has a heart. ------- Can a person steal happiness? Or is it just another internal, infernal human trick? ------- It kills me sometimes, how people die.
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (novel by Johnathan Safran Foer) Anyone who believes that a second is faster than a decade did not live my life.
How true, how true. Time has been passing really fast lately, huh? Just yesterday evening I realised that school's coming in less than two weeks!! What have I been doing this entire time? Oh yeah, that's right. The same repetitive pattern I share with everyone else everyday; the pattern that everyone follows during holidays: 1. Wake up late 2. Eat less meals 3. Eat more snacks 4. Tell yourself you'll exercise everything off tomorrow 5. Spend hours fulfilling kill-time interests (surf the net, read a book, play console games, cyber-socialise) 6. Sleep late 1. Wake up late
Obviously, on the odd occasion you have a gathering, whether it be an indoor party or an outing, maybe once a week? But seriously thinking, how much have you accomplished in the holidays? 1. Read more books 2. Learnt how to play Mahjong 3. Bought the UP DVD 4. Saw a lot of movies 5. Studied some trig with my brother
If i had a sixth one, I could say I accomplished something every week on average, but I don't. Actually, I do. 6. Made birthday cards for Jessica and Ying Ying (26th January- Australia Day in case you're wondering) And another: 7. Remained a constant 45kg ever since I started dieting after New Year's (I plan to go down to 43) 8. Hopefully will soon open an account with NAB isaver, which looks extremely good: 4 fixed months of at least 5.15%. pure awesumness.
Okay well, I guess my holidays haven't been completely pointless.
So, back to the topic of school. A lot of things to look forward to. 1. Year ten means we're not in the junior half of the school yet, whilst still having enough room in the pants for some lax. 2. Movies, movies, movies. Valentine's Day, Alice in Wonderland, Iron Man 2 (in order of course) 3. Scuba camp 4. Work experience week (maybe I should try and ask Max Brenner?) 5. Formal
Hiatus. This word sounds so awesum. It sounds like a word that is some name for a top secret mission, or a heist or something, maybe because they're kind of spelt the same. I was disappointed when I learnt that the word simply means a break, interruption, or gap. For example, our conversation's hiatus ended when I returned from the kitchen. Yeah, it sounds so much cooler than it means.
Back in 2008, I looked at A LOT of reviews on The Dark Knight, just for curiosity's sake. I came across this review, and i thought to myself: This has got to be the stupidest movie review in the entire world. Then I looked at the other movie reviews on the website and then I thought: No wait, I'm wrong, this has got to be the stupidest movie reviewer in the entire world. I don't know why but I suddenly remembered her again today, so I went and checked out her website and gosh, her reviews on Sherlock Holmes and Avatar are just ludicrous!!! Like for yourself. arghhhh It's no wonder she's a blonde. Gosh i hope she's drop dead gorgeous otherwise she's not gonna get anywhere in this world.
Anyway, something that made me LOL instead of cringe: some article on ninemsn news that was like: "Quiz: Boobs or Butt Crack? With Hollywood revealing so much flesh these days, it's hard to tell which cleavage comes from where." LOL. It's true though. Sometimes it's so blatantly obvious (tautology) that women are wearing excruciatingly tight dresses that fully squeeze their boobs out. *sigh* The world's gone crazy.
The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. Psalm 9:9 ------- No Sciences are better attested than the religion of the Bible -Sir Isaac Newton
The Book Thief (novel by Markus Zusak) If they killed him tonight, at least he would die alive. ------- Everything was good. but it was awful, too. ------- That would be like the lamb handing a knife to the butcher.
by the time i grow up, i would have invested in tons of money. i would be able to do anything i want with that money. i would be able to have an insanely awesum wedding. i would be able to buy anything i want. i would be able to look my best at all times. by the time i grow up...
*sigh* that's beautiful.
saw this ages ago but today i saw it in the i think it was..yeh probably. anywai dude i luv it so much but its like $170!!!
i bought the UP dvd!!! it came with a Dug plush toy. =D
i really really really am in dire need of a mr. fredricksen toy!!!
a russell toy wouldn't be so bad either =P *hint hint*
and yes, UP OWNS AVATAR.
God blesses those who are hungry and thirsty for justice, for they will receive it in full. Matthew 5:6 ------- If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, i could boast about it; but if I didn't love others, I would be of no value whatsoever. 1 Corinthians 13:3
UP (film trivia from IMDb) When Russell flies past the airship using his balloons and the leaf blower, we briefly see several of Charles Muntz's dogs playing poker at a card table. This is a tribute to the famous "Dogs Playing Poker" series of paintings by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge. ------- The dog pilots use the same broadcasting calls as the X-Wing Pilots in Star Wars (1977), changed from "Red Squadron" to "Gray Squadron" to reflect the notion that dogs are color-blind. ------- Co-director/co-writer Bob Peterson stated that Dug's line "I have just met you, and I love you," was inspired by a quote from a small child that he met when he was a camp counselor in the 1980s. ------- Certain elements of the story were obviously inspired by the classic adventure novel, The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle. In The Lost World, Professor Challenger brought back bones of a pterodactyl from an expedition to South America, but was denounced as a fraud. Challenger then returned to South America to capture a live specimen...Paradise Falls fits Doyle's description of The Lost World, a tall plateau and next to the plateau a thin, flat-topped pinnacle of rock with the top level with the plateau. ------- In June 2009, 10-year-old Colby Curtin from Huntington Beach, California, was suffering from the final stages of terminal vascular cancer. Her dying wish was to live long enough to see "Up". Unfortunately, Colby was too sick to leave home and her family feared she would die without seeing the film. A family friend contacted Pixar, and a private screening was arranged for Colby. The company flew an employee with a DVD copy of "Up", along with some tie-in merchandise from the film. Colby couldn't see the screen because the pain kept her eyes closed, so her mother gave her a play-by-play of the film. Seven hours after viewing the film, Colby passed away. ------- All characters are based upon circles and rectangles, except for the villains who are triangles. ------- Film debut of Jordan Nagai, who voices Russell. Originally, his older brother Hunter was auditioning for the part, and Nagai simply came along with him. About 400 children had showed up for the auditions, but Nagai stood out because he would not stop talking. Director Pete Docter later said that "as soon as Jordan's voice came on we started smiling because he is appealing and innocent and cute and different from what I was initially thinking."
Sherlock Holmes (film trivia from IMDb) Robert Maillet accidentally knocked out Robert Downey Jr. while filming a fight scene. ------- The set for Sherlock Holmes's home in this film was previously used as Sirius Black's home in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007). ------- Attempting to escape the clutches of wearing a tight corset every morning, Rachel McAdams would trick the costumers by pushing her stomach out or eating a big breakfast of oatmeal before being laced up. However, they eventually caught on to her ruse. ------- Rachel McAdams and Robert Downey Jr. reportedly did most of their own stunts. ------- Watson's line to Holmes, "You know that what you're drinking is for eye surgery," is an obscure reference to Holmes's cocaine usage. At the time, cocaine was used as a topical anesthetic for eye surgery. In the stories, Holmes injects cocaine.
The Book Thief (novel by Markus Zusak) Here is a small fact: you are going to die. ------- Like most misery, it started with apparent happiness.
here's proof that avatar's plot sucks. need i say any more?
you know how they say the tomato is a fruit, because it has seeds? well i thought about it and that means that the cucumber and pumpkin are also fruits too!! i was so discombobulated!!! BUT....when in doubt: wiki.
Vegetable-like fruits are vegetables formed from the fruits of the plants that bear them.
Yes, this group includes tomatoes, cucumbers and pumpkins.
wiki article: Fruit or vegetable? In everyday (non-technical) language, the words "fruit" and "vegetable" are mutually exclusive: plant products that are called fruits are hardly ever classified as vegetables, and vice versa. However, for scientists the word "fruit" also has a precise botanical meaning (a part that developed from the ovary of a flowering plant), which is considerably different from its common meaning. While peaches, plums, and oranges are "fruits" in both senses, many items commonly called "vegetables" — such as eggplants, bell peppers, and tomatoes — are technically fruits, as are also most cereals, as well as some spices like pepper and chillies. Some plant products, such as corn or peas, may be considered vegetables only while still unripe.
this is very confusing.
I think i'm going to leave this topic.
Oh, I started reading 'The Book Thief' by Markus Zusak and it is extremely good even though i am onli 74 pages in. It's very interesting and unconventional, and you know how much i love unconventional things. ;P
Also, it is in great pleasure that I inform you that I have completed two of my mini lifelong goals!
But what is a mini lifelong goal? Very good question! A mini lifelong goal is a lifelong goal that I can die without accomplishing, or in other words, a lifelong goal i can live without. Of course, I prefer to have accomplished it, but it is not as necessary as my lifelong goals.
So what were your two mini lifelong goals? 1. Make icecream. Yeh, you know the story. Made "French Chocolate" with Jessica and Justin's luverly birthday present of an icecream maker. =D 2. Bought my brother a pink shirt. "PINK SHIRT?!?!?!" you say? Yes. You heard me. And it wasn't one of those random t-shirts that i bought only because of the sole fact that it was pink. No, it is infact one of those button-up, collared, long sleeve dress shirt that when you roll up the sleeves to your elbow, look very noice. And it's not full hardcore pink. Its actualli quite pale pink and it has thin pink stripes just so that my brother wouldn't have had a solid-block-of-pink heart attack when he saw it.
Personally I think all of the male population should have a collection of nice, button-up, collared, long sleeve dress shirts. Because...well it would make the world a better place.
The Lovely Bones (film) There was one thing my murderer didn't understand; he didn't understand how much a father could love his child. ------- My murderer was a man from our neighborhood. I took his photo once; he stepped out of nowhere and ruined the shot. He ruined a lot of things. ------- I was slipping away, that's what it felt like. Life was leaving me, but I wasn't afraid.
Comparison with the novel by Alice Sebold Once again Peter Jackson did what he always does: he drags a tiny thing on for SO LONG. This movie reminded me of the lord of the rings. Did i watch that movie just to see three hours of frodo having a mental battle with himself and the ring? NO. I DIDN'T. Did i see the lovely bones because i wanted to see lindsey turn the pages of a book so silently for about ten minutes? NO. Did i see it because i wanted to see mr. harvey roll the safe into the sink hole for ten minutes (i still think he could have just reversed further into the road)? NO. I DIDN'T.
And the directing, it was all over the place. I only understood it because i read the book. There were just random scenes that would just flash here and there and i'm like...that has NOTHING to do with the storyline watsoever? And don't you hate it when they concentrate on really tiny things but leave out important things? ARGH. And not to mention some of the acting was really bad! So obviously the film SUCKED for me.
In my opinion,the novel dominated the film for over a mile. Once again, the novel trumps the film. The novel was just soooo detailed. Even though the second half had less quality, some parts were really good and they were really important. The film was extremely rushed in terms of the storyline. The whole movie was practically the first half of the novel. The second half was basically summed up in ten minutes, very close to the end. I loved the novel, i'm considering reading it again, but i'm afraid that when i read the novel, vision of the film would pop into my head, and i really. don't. want. that.
The Lovely Bones (novel) Inside the snow globe on my father's desk, there was a penguin wearing a red-and-white-striped scarf. When I was little my father would pull me into his lap and reach for the snow globe. He would turn it over, letting all the snow collect on the top, then quickly invert it. The two of us watched the snow fall gently around the penguin. The penguin was alone in there, I thought, and I worried for him. When I told my father this, he said, 'Don't worry Susie; he has a nice life. He's trapped in a perfect world.' ------- What I think was hardest for me to realize was that he had tried each time to stop himself. He had killed animals, taking lesser lives to keep from killing a child. ------- I had rescued the moment by using my camera and in that way had found a way to stop time and hold it. No one could take that image away from me because I owned it. ------- In my junior high yearbook I had a quote from a Spanish poet my sister had turned me on to, Juan Ramon Jimenez. It went like this: “If they give you ruled paper, write the other way.”
sunday i learnt how to play mahjong. i've won 4 times since then =D don't you just love getting triples. =D
my gelato-tasting-icecream now tastes like icecream after being in the freezer for another few hours *thumbs up*
It ain't those parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, its the part thats i DO understand. -Mark Twain
Sherlock Holmes (film) Sherlock Holmes: No girl wants to marry a doctor that can't tell if a man is dead or not! ------- Sherlock Holmes: [after quickly determining where he is] That leaves only the mystery of why you even bothered to blindfold me in the first place.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (novel by Lewis Carroll) Alice: Curiouser and curiouser! ------- Alice: But I don't want to go among mad people. The Cat: Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad. ------- Eaglet to the Dodo:Speak English! I don't know the meaning of half those long words, and, what's more, I don't believe you do either! ------- Alice: And how many hours a day did you do lessons? The Mock Turtle: Ten hours the first day, nine the next, and so on. Alice: What a curious plan! The Gryphon: That's the reason they're called lessons, because they lessen from day to day. ------- The Duchess: Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it. ------- The King: Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.
for some reason, this person has chosen to be anonymous (i cant possibly see why)
anonymous says (10:27 PM): *are you easily influenced by the films you see? chlo'ee. sherlock holmes (Y) says (10:29 PM): *uhmmm *i dunno *wat do you mean anonymous says (10:29 PM): *during centre stage *i was dancing around *because i cant help it? chlo'ee. sherlock holmes (Y) says (10:32 PM): *LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLl *OMGSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH anonymous says (10:35 PM): *lol *isnt that possibly normal? chlo'ee. sherlock holmes (Y) says (10:36 PM): *NO *LOL anonymous says (10:37 PM): *after fantastic four i wanted to fly fast? chlo'ee. sherlock holmes (Y) says (10:37 PM): *lol but you didnt TRY to fly did you anonymous says (10:37 PM): *like the fire guy? chlo'ee. sherlock holmes (Y) says (10:37 PM): *=P anonymous says (10:37 PM): *i ran fast ok?!! chlo'ee. sherlock holmes (Y) says (10:37 PM): *LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL chlo'ee. sherlock holmes (Y) says (10:38 PM): *omgsh *your hilarioussssssssssssss anonymous says (10:38 PM): *it happens *doesnt it? chlo'ee. sherlock holmes (Y) says (10:39 PM): *NO *lolllllllll
in a mixed bag of nuts, they always fail to include enough almonds, instead overloading the packet with peanuts so that there is at least 80% peanuts, 10% cashews, 5% halzelnuts, 3% random long pale and disgusting ones which i dont know the name of, and 2% almonds. why? i just wanna eat relli nice salted almonds but you always deprive me of them.
if someone is mute or deaf, what do they hear when they think to themselves? (no i'm not being mean, making fun of or discriminating them, i've just wondered this practically my entire life- no joke.)
has it ever occurred to you that maybe i am NOT stingy, i just feel bad for using the money my parents give me? money in which i didn't rightfully earn?
has it occurred to you that you have no right to call me stingy because you're family is like a billion times richer than mine? therefore you can afford the luxury of disregarding stingyness?
why does the max brennar 'hug mug' apparently look like a mini urinal? and why is it so hard to drink from? although i admit it DOES warm my hands up very well. come to think of it, it only JUST fits both my hands perfectly, so i awkward would it be for other people? since no one has smaller hands than me.
on the plate of max brennar's kangaroo cup: "drink your coffee in a decent way (don't forget you are an adult) then lick the chocolate leftovers to keep the child in you forever."
why is healthier food so much more uncheaper? subway footlong: at least $7 sumo salad SMALL: $8.45 small watermelon juice: usually over $3
how come i can't think of any other healthier options? oh yeh, cuz we live in an unhealthy world.
my icecream maker made my icecream taste like gelato *thumbs up*
The Lord is my light and my salvation, so why should I be afraid? Psalms 27:1
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (film) Anakin Skywalker: My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count. Count Dooku: Good. Twice the pride, double the fall.
Sherlock Holmes (film) Dr. John Watson: [to Holmes as he guzzles a liquid] You do know what you are drinking is meant for eye surgery? ------- Irene Adler: I've never woken up in handcuffs before. Sherlock Holmes: I have...naked. ------- Sherlock Holmes [to himself, about a man he is about to beat up]: Physical recovery...6 weeks. Psychological recovery...6 months
The Silver Linings Playbook (novel by Matthew Quick) Havent you noticed that life is like a series of movies? ...Well, you have adventures. All start out with troubles, but then you admit your problems and become a better person by working really hard, which fertilizes the happy ending and allows it to bloom. ------- Most people lose the ability to see silver linings even though they are always there above us almost everyday. ------- I am now watching the movie of my life as I live it.
That book is quite good *thumbs up*. except for the numerous swear words used, its quite deep. it allows you to understand (or try to) the minds of others when they might appear crazy or even a bit eccentric to you. sometimes even these mentally unstable people understand that they ARE mentally unstable, yet they can't control themselves and they really are trying to do the proper thing and act "normally" but eventually they find that they can't.
omgsh. sherlock holmes is seriously insane!! its sooooo cool. one of my favourite movies. im not kidding. it was so good. the plot was good, the acting was awesum and the music was like =O if there's anything you're going to do these holidays its: watch Sherlock Holmes.
discombobulate- to throw into a state of confusion...i luv that word. btw the song actualli starts 23 seconds in:
so anyway a family friend gave my family a packet of noodles and (lol i love engrish) i couldn't stop laughing at this:
i don't think i want to eat noodles that have 3 different types of semen included. O_O
okay so here are some lists i made:
things that make me...dismal: -the smell of petrol -the smell of newspaper -the smell of newspaper AND petrol -when automatic doors don't sense you -pushing trolleys -half peeled, dirty and wrinkled stickers -elastics -remembering that i forgot to wear elastics in the middle of the night -reading books or watching movies out of order -when a word is carried on from a long line, and the word is lonely
things that make me...ecstatic: -collecting movie tickets -opening envelopes -snail mail -bubblewrap -peeling things -epic music in action movies, especially lord of the rings!!! -folding paper (even if its not origami) -engrish -fluro colours -the look (not the practicality) of gift cards -3d stickers -3d glasses -ripping perforated paper -filling out forms (don't ask me why) -lists. =]
worst presents to get (cont.) 5. gift vouchers. okay see the thing i don't get is...what were you thinking? if you spent $20 getting me a gift voucher for myer, can't you just give me the $20? pros for gift voucher: you get to spend someone else's $20 in myer pros for money: you get to spend someone else's $20 anywhere you want you can save ten people's $20 to buy something insanely awesum for $200 rather than 10 small things from ten different shops money doesn't expire.
okay so i looked at my 09 resolutions and my results are bolded: 1. have really neat books- especially maths == no way man! maths was my worst book! 2. neaten my handwriting ....sure.. 3. revise every topic immediately after finishing it- man im gonna forget this the day we get back to school oh! i did this for like....two (==) subjects in science 4. straight a's in at least one report YEH HALF YEARLIES!!! 5. get an award at any reco, preferably a principals YEH HALF YEARLIES!!! 6. over 90% in most tests-the ones that count obviously. actualli make it over 85% =D my doubtness has overcome me. uhmm...pretti sure thats failed. 7. spend less time on the computer ....well i spent less time blogging? i think. but then i guess i spent more time on the net. 8. lose weight YEAHHHH IM 45KG NOW!!! 9. get fitter LOL of course not. 10. get a higher self esteem no comment. 11. rid myself of fears- uhmm heights, knives (i have this fear that whenever i have a knife i might stab someone/myself) dude i think i got MORE fears, like drains (thanks to malaysia) and ... oh maybe thats it 12. make top maths class in year 10 LOL opposite in fact! i got JERRY in second class 13. make less typos ...i havent actualli kept track 14. learn to stop scratching my eye whenever its itchynuh, my willpower sucks. 15. onli eat when im hungry RECENTLY, YES. SUCCESS.
okay so thats.... like 4/15 dude thats...thats horrible. see, new years resolutions onli work until like 2 weeks into the year.
AND THEN!!! SURPRISINGLY!!! i wrote a lifelong goals list too!
and while were on the topic of lists, ill make a list of my life long goals: 1. juggle and whistle at the same time! 2. swim in a chocolate fountain 3. tour through europe 4. go to some tropical island like hawaii or figi 5. be in a cage full of lions in south africa (thanks to jason for giving me that one =D) 6. shave meat for a kebab (you know when the meat is lumped together on this stick and revolves around) 7. make an easyway drink (squirting the stuff looks so fun) 8. scooping icecream in an icecream shop
so yeh i forgot some stuff (everything except 1) that i will now add into my current list.
oh and i'm adding:
work in Max Brenner's. (even if just for like a day)
can this blog get any longer? no, i hope. so i'll add another one soon cuz i have heaps of lists and i didn't expect to talk about last years resolutions/goals.