It's a virtual painting/drawing site and dude, i just LOVE IT.
Here are the things I did:
Pretty cool, huh? And yeh, they're pretty small here and look better up close =P
Anyway, also, a while ago I saw this video on youtube with this illusion thing, I downloaded the pdf and made it and it looks awesum!!
ahhhh I LOVE IT! =D
ANYWAI, school soon, in like...OMGSH FOUR DAYS?! wattheheckkkkkkkkkkkk
i didn't even realise
i just kept saying "school next week" and now its "school this week"
T.T *sigh*
Last week I started going to sleep earlier and waking up earlier, to prepare myself for school, and recently I've gone back to sleeping later and waking up later!
I'm gonna DIE on friday.
OHOHOH Federer vs Hewitt tonight!!! lol, he's gonna be owned (even though I'm not rooting for Federer).
And! omgsh aren't you so disappointed in Ivanovic and Baghdatis? they used to be awesum and now you like never hear of them anymore...
and also wattheheck? Sharapova being knocked out the first round?
No doubt everything I know and love has gone crazy.