Thursday 14 July 2011

X is for Xanadu

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree :
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.

"wow, what a random poem" is what you might be thinking and YES! it IS a random poem, but where did I get it from?

well firstly it's actually from the poem Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, but no i'm not an english freak so i didn't just so happen to know it or randomly google 'Kubla Khan'.

what i DID do was watch sanctum

^clicks for larger, cooler image and you will see that it is directed by james cameron!! =D yay.

it's a pretty good film. acting is a bit dodgy because there's a whole bunch of aussie people and then there's mr. fantastic (whom i disliked from the moment i saw him- too arrogant). yeh but there's aussie actors because the story is inspired by a true story, and they say inspired because the actual story is very different and it doesn't sound too great if you advertise it as "very very loosely based on a true story".

what's the true story? well these australian cave divers are...well diving through caves as they explore it and then a storm on the surface of the earth turns into a cyclone and starts flooding the cave so they have to find a different exit. the whole thing took about 30 hours and fortunately everyone survived.

what's the movie story? well, we can't have a boring plot like "they get caved in, everyone escapes". obviously a plot needs some people to die to make it to hollywood standards. oh and it's australian divers in a cave in Papua New Guinea, the Esa'ala Cave, which is the largest cave that has been explored, and it's not even fully explored, so some of it is undiscovered. once again, a storm turns into a cyclone and they have to find a way out. the film's tagline is "the only way out is down" so you can probably tell they have to like go deeper into the cave and what not to survive.

basically: it's pretty intense. wait, it's very intense. for me at least (because i can't really swim and i get terrified at the thought of crawling through very thin, claustrophobic tunnels). and also the directing just makes the australian actors look better than they would in actual australian films. oh and i watched it on bluray so that was like amazingly detailed.

yeh so go watch it! it's amazing!

oh right, i forgot. the poem is something that one of the divers keeps repeating to himself as he scubas, and if you read it again it is just SO fitting for the film.

so yes.

anyway let's stumble.

WAIT before we stumble, just saying that my bro invited me to google+ which is like the new fb, cept better because it's more user-friendly. it has 'circles' where you can put certain people in so when you post you can have just that circle see that post. my bro says its like having fb group pages without the fuss of creating a group. oh and there's also webcam chat like skype i think. but yes so i have an account with that and right now it's in its trial process so you can only get an account through invitation so if anyone wants an invitation ask me.

NOW let's stumble.

dice portrait

mistaken identity

Orlando Bloom twitter win

vicious cycle

public art concepts

shadow birds

the world's largest wooden structure

30 bizarre and creative packaging design examples

10 cool random star wars facts

world's greatest wedding cakes

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