Saturday 25 February 2012

i'm bored.

Dear Blog-readers,

I am currently bored out of my mind. It is ten past eleven at night and I have no idea what I am doing. The past few weeks since my last blog have mainly consisted of studying, unhealthy foods and running from Confusion to Helplessness. I feel like I can't do this anymore; Half Yearlies are on in five weeks, English is on in less than two weeks, and I feel like I am not prepared for anything. The fact that everything from Year Eleven for Mathematics is being tested is messing with my mind. Further, I have no idea what is going on in the fourth unit of that subject, Blade Runner is the worst film I have ever seen, I know nothing about the Production of Materials, Space has eluded the space in my own mind and Mycenaean Society is just about the worst topic you could ever do when studying Ancient Societies.

On the plus side, I am glad that I have written all my notes for Section Two of both Chemistry and Physics in the holidays, leaving me more time now to understand things and do questions. I think I am more set in concentrating and keeping the Second Extension of Mathematics. The First Draft of my Module A Essay is completed and now I can continue editing it to perfection. I have started my research for the essay on Augustan Reforms for the Half Yearlies.

Outside of the world of academics, I have raised (on paper) $2462.65 for the Leukemia Foundation, of which $1586 has been banked or sent directly to them. And yes, no matter how many times someone is kind enough to add in a few extra cents to round up my figure, more retards flock to me donating random 5 cents.

To prepare for The Shave, my mum has bought me a beret (of which I mentioned previously) and today we bought a fancy cap and a wolf beanie-like headpiece. It is also decided that my mother, my brother and possibly my cousin will be viewing this life-changing event.

Ah yes, also my cousin has come over from Malaysia to stay with us for the next six years or so because he is doing a Bachelor of Science at the University of Sydney, in the hopes that he will make it to the Psychology degree. Another cousin will also be staying with us because his father, my uncle, will be going back to Malaysia.

So that is all I can think of that has been happening in my life.

It is now twenty-five past eleven at night and I wish to fall asleep in this instant.


the dark knight...rices?

old man you are doing it right

pictures from wonderland

one man orchestra

unrealistic scenes

the making of a shade

finger painting wizard

100 amazing hairstyles

random facts

girls vs. boys

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