Saturday 15 June 2013


Took it's time but I'm back to blogging! Yay!

At first I thought I could get away with just blogging as if nothing ever happened but alas, I feel like some explanation is needed.


I wasn't really blogging that much after December. I even had a draft lined up that said:

"due date


wrath of the titans


tin tin


So as you can see I was going to blog about all these movies. Somehow I managed to write them all in as I wrote the draft but then maybe I just got uninterested and decided to do something else and I never got back to it!

In all honesty I WAS going to blog again after February the 24th because that was the day I came back from Malaysia!

I went over there for about a month and I had taken all these lovely pictures! My mum and I went over to visit family, and we also went to Singapore for 5 days where we stayed at the amazing Marina Bay Sands Hotel for 2 nights. It was beautiful. Singapore's architecture is simply astonishing and the infinity was pretty cool too! Except over the side you could see where all the water drained out and it kind of ruined it but oh well!

And then by the time we came back to Malaysia, my great-grandmother (my mother's mother's mother) was in hospital! It was so sad, eventually she passed away at the ripe age of 93. I remember visiting her in her nursing home just about the day before we left for Singapore and I cried because the conditions of Malaysian nursing homes are seriously shocking! The place smelt like urine, the so-called nurses were teasing the patients with food, pulling back their hands as it neared the mouths of the elderly, almost torturing them!

But yes after she passed away we cremated her and placed her urn right next to my great-grandfather who had died I think ten years ago. And then we realised it just happened to be Valentine's Day that day, so they were finally reunited ngawww <3 <3 ~~

And what else is there...

I wanted to blog after I came back from Malaysia but I just was too lazy to sift through all the photos we had taken! And then Uni life came up and I just totally forgot about blogging!

What has happened so far in Uni...Let's see...

Well for those who don't know, I'm doing Commerce (Liberal Studies) at USYD (GO USYD!) and yeah, what can I say...

For semester one I had a three day timetable which was exciting, except two days were 9am starts and I just HATED it because I had to wake up at 7am when it was freezing cold. I would layer up then by 10am it would start to get a bit warmer and I'd have to carry all my layers around. Also the traffic was terrible catching the bus around 8am! I also had a lecture that finished at 5:30pm and I had the same problems with traffic and eventually stopped going.

Imagine this: You catch the bus at 7:45am and you get to Railway Square at 8:20am or so (and I always walked to Uni so going early never was a problem), but if you caught the bus at 8am you would get to Railway Square at like 9am!!! The difference was crazy! Also once I finished at 5:30pm and I got home at like 7:30pm, then the next week I finished 15 minutes earlier and got home at 6:30pm instead! How crazy is that!

It's mainly because of the M2 construction though; the traffic in the city is annoying but the M2 traffic is MORE annoying. Good thing now that it's actually progressed quite a bit since the beginning of semester so the traffic doesn't affect the buses as much as it does now and I can get to the city even quicker!

But yeah, what else is there about uni I can tell you? I want to major in Marketing, Management (or maybe Human Resources Management because someone told me that they're pretty much the same except HR gets you more jobs) and Psychology!

Psychology is soooooooooooo interesting I cannot stress it enough but it's SO HARD! Studying for the exam oh my goodness! It's 100 multiple choice, but one of our Psych lecturers (we have six, for six different topics...yikes!) was like, "You may be thinking, 'Oh, multiple choice, that's easy!' But remember, we are PSYCHOLOGISTS.... WE INVENTED THE MULTIPLE CHOICE!"


Oh and no! I'm not procrastinating right now I've actually planned out my studies and I finished my studies for today quite early so I just went and watched Monsters, Inc. and now I'm blogging yay!

I also did Linguistics which is the study of language, at first it was super interesting but it got really boring at the end half because it was so repetitive and analytical. It's my Arts subject though, so I don't need to give my attention to it and the test is open-book and practical anyway so I can't really study for it.

The Business subjects are so dry; Understanding Business and Marketing Principles were terrible. I hope it's just because they are junior units =[

And exams are soon and I've studied quite a bit for them and even though I am quite stressed out I suppose I can't really do anything about it!

Oooh and I just got my timetable for next semester; gonna have three-day weeks again yay! Well, I have a lecture on Monday but I'm not gonna go to Uni just for that...

And my earliest class is at 10am and my latest is at 4:30pm so life is good!

Anyway apart from that, nothing exciting has really been going on in my life recently; or not that I can think of on the spot.

Sorry this is probably quite a boring blog, but coming up in the next few blogs:

-A change of blogskin (after exams) because it's so dark and small and the background picture isn't even working anymore
-Back to stumbleupon links (although admittedly I stopped stumbling as well, but maybe I'll get back into it in the holidays)
-Talking about board games I recently encountered
-The thing I'm looking forward to the most: A blog about weed! I started doing some research on marijuana, namely it's effects and why it was even illegalised in the first place. I'm compiling them up (actually I started in like February and yeah, once again I stopped doing that) and it'll be done in the holidays
-Hopefully I can finish the story I've been writing (once again, I stopped writing it after I got stuck on a little point, wow I'm the worst! I'm not even sure if I can find the pieces of paper I scribbled it on!)
-Drawings! I really want to draw some A Song of Ice and Fire (or A Game of Thrones for non-readers) characters!
-Lastly, maybe some songs. But this may not happen because, yes you guessed it, I stopped playing piano once Uni started and I stopped playing guitar once I realised it was really hard for me to hold down the notes, but maybe I can try again =]
-I think removing my chatbox would be a good idea, there are too many spammers there!

But in the meantime, happyhappy times ahead for studying and even more so for post-exam break!

Looking forward to it and good luck everybody!