Friday 16 August 2013

Random Raving Ramblings

I think I need to think of a theme or something that all my titles can follow because I'm having problems thinking of appropriate titles for my blogs, seeing as most of them are just random...


It's a Barnes & Noble NOOK that I got off eBay for $75! It hasn't come yet but I'm pretty excited! I hope it's alright, I got all my information from Luke and honestly didn't even bother to check reviews and do my own research... but I'll post it up once it arrives in the mail, which hopefully won't be too long!

"How did this come about?", you may ask...

WELL this was after I finished The Hunger Games book 1 and I was waiting to be able to borrow Catching Fire from the library because all copies were already borrowed. I was sitting on the bus when the chick who sat next to me whipped out her Kindle and I was staring at it thinking I SHOULD BUY AN EREADER because it would solve all my problems of waiting for a book to be available!

And I'm currently in that terrible phase because I finished Catching Fire already... in two days. On Monday night I got a notification that the book was available at the library so I went there before it closed to pick it up. Even before I started reading it I was like, "Okay Chloe, pace yourself. Read it slowly, just a few chapters a day on the bus to and from Uni so that when you are finished, the Nook will come and you can read Mockingjay."

And then Wednesday night... I finished it... Like how does that even happen? I don't even remember when I read so much...

Anyway the Nook should come between Tuesday to Thursday so hopefully it comes soon...

And I may as well do a little review on Catching Fire!

This book was so good! It was actually so intense and the plot was much better than the first book, since things start to get pretty serious in the Districts and even in the Capitol. Katniss' actions from the first book have caused President Snow to hate her and he really wants her dead before anything serious like a rebellion happens. To do this, he makes the next Hunger Games one where the tributes are reaped from the existing pool of victors to show that even victors can't escpae from the Capitol's power. It's really interesting to read about how the previous victors won and what their games were like, especially the way Haymitch won! The games are also super intense because the games have to be much harder, since all the victors are so good and experienced in this.

I'm so super excited for the movie! Have you guys seen the trailer yet??!


Oh, and because of my newfound obsession with The Hunger Games, I watched the Special Features of the film, which included the casting and production and special effects ugh I loved it! The way they did everything was amazing, the CGI was so cool, even in the districts simple things like decorations on the houses and stuff were added. And they also showed how they trained the actors of the tributes, and it was amazing seeing Jennifer Lawrence train for it, she actually did most of the stunts herself, including climbing legit trees and running from a legit wall of fire! So respectable! And I was also so surprised to find out that the book only came out in 2008! How come I never heard about it until now! I was 13/14 years old then, I should have heard about it! =[

Also I got a new bag for Uni since my other one's strap broke. Isn't it pretty?!

After I bought it, I realised I may have been unconsciously influenced by The Hunger Games to buy it but anyway...

I also bought the Pixar Shorts Collections: Volume 2!

This collection of shorts wasn't as good as the first one, mainly because the majority of them were actually related to their movies (i.e. some characters from the Pixar movie were in the shorts they made) and I prefer just original shorts. Of the 12 shorts, only 4 were unrelated and they included Presto, Partly Cloudy, Day & Night and La Luna. I loved all of them but I would have to say La Luna is by far the best.

So touching and clever *sigh*

Anyway, after that I would have to say Partly Cloudy and Day & Night are tied, then Presto would come up after them. Day & Night is really clever and quite deep too, but Partly Cloudy is super funny and adorable so I couldn't decide!

Also, I had to get an x-ray for my teeth because a few weeks back my jaw was hurting and I suspected it was my wisdom tooth. Anyway here's the x-ray:

You can see that the bottom wisdom teeth look like some big trouble, especially my right one (left in the picture) which is practically 90 degrees sideways...

So I need to go back to my dentist and possibly go to a specialist for surgery D= I've never undergone any type of surgery so I'm rather scared, hopefully it turns out alright and even more importantantly, hopefully I can eat!

What else is there? I suppose I can show you some of my drawings from this 642 Things to Draw book... I've been drawing almost every day (except I think two days only) which is a pretty good record.

My personal favourites (because some times I was too tired or didn't want to spend too much time on the drawing so they didn't turn out too well) (click to enlarge in a new tab):

  • 'Bubbles':

    I didn't use an eraser for this one!

  • 'A Mime':

  • 'Bacon' purely for the guy's face and obviously not for the worst bacon ever drawn:

  • 'A Fan':

    Haha geddit? I'm hilarious.

  • 'Chips and Dip' once again revealing my prowess at humour:

  • 'The Moon' obviously inspired by, well.. La Luna..:

  • 'A Thumbtack':

  • 'Freckles' because she is creepy:

  • 'An Owl' that I took as an inquisitorial owl: