Monday 24 March 2014

SEGUE= Saying Everything Gets Us Excited (running low on title ideas)

Geez long time no blog.

Not much has been happening since uni started; I don't have much time left after accounting for uni, uni work and tutoring. I've been wanting to see some movies but I just haven't had the time to =[

I did, however, finish reading Pride and Prejudice!

It's actually an amazing book; I definitely see why it was so hyped up. The story was interesting, different and honestly quite hilarious at times. There's seriously so much satire in it that it really makes you wonder how materialistic and ignorant some people can be, both nowadays and back then. The language is also not too difficult to understand, but there are some moments where they phrase something in a really different way, for example if someone was in debt they wouldn't just outright say it like that.

I think it's interesting to see how the customs were back then; there was no dating or anything, people just went to balls and danced with different people and if they kept seeing each other and started liking them, the guy would just propose to her. People could get married without ever having kissed or ever letting on to their closest family and friends that they were interested in that person. I mean sure, this was set in the 1800s, but its just so amazing how different everything was just a couple of centuries ago, where the only priority a woman had was to marry a man who was well off. Everything rested upon your connections, how rich your family was and how well you were at socialising at balls.

Anyway, in case you don't know what it's about it's pretty much a love story... and beyond. It deals with first impressions and how flawed our judgements are when we meet someone; it deals with sticking to who you are and knowing how to be your own individual in a world of conformity; it deals with how to learn to love someone despite your own pride and prejudices against them and it deals with how to forgive as well. Elizabeth is the second of five daughters of a not-so-rich family with not-so-good connections and not-so-good manners. Everything about their family is not that great, but in a society that looks at your appearance and how much money your house is worth, they are determined to make a lasting impression and secure decent husbands for the daughters of the family. Along comes Mr Darcy, a proud and spoilt man who at first is hated by Elizabeth, but as they get to know each other over time, they realise that first impressions aren't always correct.

Best quotes are:

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."

"Pride relates more to our opinion of our ourselves; vanity to what we would have others think of us."

"Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance."

"Till this moment, I never knew myself."

"When first Mr. Bennet had married, economy was held to be perfectly useless; for, of course, they were to have a son... Five daughters successively entered the world, but yet the son was to come"

"You must learn some of my philosophy. Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure."

I can't believe I hadn't read this book until now! The English nerd within me is definitely started to break loose again.

And speaking of English (segue time)... I had a really proud tutor moment!

Legit I felt so proud of my student for, in the space of just like 5 minutes, was able to improve on her speaking skillz. To be honest, before I never really understood how teachers could get upset when students didn't respect them enough, like getting them a present at the end of year 12, or how teachers could get that sense of connection to the point where they would cry when thinking of their students leaving. But I think I get it now. It's that sense of effort and care that you put into your students that makes it worthwhile to just see their marks go up, even if it has nothing to do with you. The pocket money is great but it's pretty satisfying too. At least if they're not completely stupid... that's a completely different story.

And speaking of tutoring (segue time)... I decided to buy a laser printer for myself! I usually send stuff to my dad to print at work, but since he's been going to and from Vietnam, I've been needing to go to officeworks when it comes to printing pages of lectures and whatnot (since my ink printer always seems to be running low).

Anyway I got this $89 black and white laser printer at officeworks, and it's pretty cool. The pages come out nice and warm and the printer is super silent and fast. The only thing though is that I have immense problems trying to print multiple pages per sheet.

If I want to print something like:

1 2
3 4
5 6

It prints it in reverse:

6 5
4 3
2 1

So I think, "Okay, I'll just make the preview in reverse then", so I make the preview look like this:

6 5
4 3
2 1

And then it decides to print it like THAT preview, but not the other one.

And I tried this with 4 pages per sheet as well and it still didn't really work out that well. Any tips? Please?

And "Please" rhymes with "trees" so........ SEGUE TIME.

Diwan and I went bushwalking at Cumberland Forest to celebrate his birthday, and we did one track that was over 1km long, but when we got to the end bit (which was an amazingly beautiful section) it was closed off!

Read what the sign says:

Like whurttttttt 10-15kg!! That's crazy!

And these are what the trees look like! Look at those gross holes ewwww!

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