Thursday 4 June 2015

When choosing between two Tomorrowlands, opt for the music festival

Tomorrowland (2015)

6.8/10 on IMDb
49% on Rotten Tomatoes

First things first, I was SO KEEN for this film (it was literally my most anticipated film of the year), because it was an original film that looked SO promising. Almost every 2015 film I have seen is not original (Insurgent - sequel; Cinderella - retelling; Avengers - sequel Pitch Perfect 2 - sequel; Mad Max Fury Rd - reboot), and the one original film I did see, Ex Machina, is an indie film that nobody watches. Jupiter Ascending and Chappie were original films too, but both of them were said to be quite bad, so I was so keen for finally an original, popular, and good film.

But you can see where I'm getting at... Tomorrowland was a disappointment. And I knew this going into the cinema, because I saw reviews on it that weren't that great, so I had lowered my expecatations. But, as we all know from our good friend President Snow, hope is the only thing stronger than fear. And so my hope for this film overtook my fear of it... and hope, I did. I really really hoped and wanted this to be an amazing film, but it just wasn't. And going from Mad Max: Fury Rd to this was so disappointing.

It's really hard for me to discuss this film without spoiling it, so what I will do is give a general review of the film here, and then elaborate on all my points later in the spoiler section.

So here are my concerns:

1. The opening scene was terrible, with cringe-worthy dialogue that set up the film for being an only-alright film. The dialogue throughout the film wasn't great either, but the opening was where it was worst.

2. The storyline was a bit weak and because of this, some elements of the film were confusing. The writing seemed really lazy and was lacking quality throughout. It's probably okay for a kid's film because they haven't grown to be so cynical, and they don't know what cheesy is anymore, but it was not okay for me.

3. I really did not expect the film that Tomorrowland was, and I think the main reason for this was because the trailer showed us so little. We were left to our own devices and imagination to come up with what we thought the film would be. The lack of plot information in the trailer gave us high hopes for this film, but the film took a completely different direction to what we were thinking of. The trailer, upon further reflection, almost showed us nothing. It didn't show any plot, and it showed all the good scenes that ended up being lost on us. The film becomes disappointing, not because it fails to deliver what was promised, but because it made no promises, delivers something completely random, and leaves you feeling empty.

4. Don't get me wrong, the acting was great, the directing was great too (all hail Brad Bird; please make Incredibles 2 amazing). They had some good fight scenes for a PG film. My main concern is the writing. It wasn't just weak, it was confusing. Bad confusing, not Nolan confusing. There were quite a few plot holes that detracted from the storyline. Also, the villain's reveal was really weak and didn't really make any sense to me.

5. The film felt really really long; so much was happening but nothing that happened had any real substance. It felt so long and dragged out for a two hour film; I was so tired by the end of it. I think this is also a result of the trailer not telling us what to expect.

6. The ending was soooooo in your face. Like, my face was so sore from being metaphorically punched with their preaching.

So overall, this is a kid's film. It's not really for adolescents or adults, and I wouldn't recommend watching this in cinemas unless you have a younger sibling. It's not worth buying on DVD because you won't want to watch it for a second time, so if you don't have a younger sibling, maybe catch it on TV or something. But if you miss it, then honestly don't worry, you're not missing out.

A few side notes:
–That opening Disney shot looked pretty cool, with the Tomorrowland skyline instead of Disney's traditional castle
-The music in this is pretty good
-Key from Key and Peele once again makes a cameo
-Why is Casey so cold? At one stage, I counted four layers on her and I'm pretty sure two of them were hoodies.
-"You've got simultaneous epidemics of obesity and starvation, explain that one."
-Not an original quote, but I have always loved this: "There are two wolves who are always fighting. One is darkness and despair. The other is light and hope. The question is... which wolf wins? The one you feed."

~SPOILER SECTION (I'm warning you, I talk about the majority of the film here)~

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