Sunday 12 March 2017

So this is what it feels like.

Logan (2017)

8.6/10 on IMDb
92% on Rotten Tomatoes

Chloe's thoughts: Signed, sealed, and recommended by Chloe;
Watch it in cinemas;
I'm buying the DVD

Watch it if you: Are a fan of the X-Men series;
Want to see an R-rated version of Wolverine that is truer to the comics;
Are not really into superhero films and want to see what the fuss is about these "X-Men" people;
Want to see a superhero character receive a poignant and serious movie;
Liked the dark superhero tone of The Dark Knight

It is the year 2029, and mutants are endangered. An ageing and injured Logan cares for Professor X somewhere along the Mexican border as he attempts to hide from the rest of the world. As Logan and the Professor are each plagued by their haunted pasts, surviving is a struggle as is. Yet, the arrival of a young mutant heralds a new challenge for them.

Hugh Jackman has stated that this will be the last movie with him portraying our favourite claw-bearing mutant. Whether or not they will recast Wolverine (I hope not), or introduce another character to fill his void (likely), remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: this is the last Hugh Jackman Wolverine movie we will see, and that is enough for me to begin my period of mourning.

The trailers for this film had a really sombre tone to them, so going in you know that this will be a very different superhero movie. In fact, it's more a drama piece rather than an action film, and that was really refreshing to see. I think they did a really nice send-off for Hugh Jackman, and it was everything I hoped his last film would be.

It is really difficult to discuss this film without spoilers, so I will have a spoilers section at the end, and right now I'll just talk about the film broadly.

As I said, the tone of the film is what strikes you the most. It's a really tragic movie, and you see that right from the opening scene. Logan is ageing, scarred, limping, and a bit slow to draw out his claws. He's damaged, both physically and mentally. He has been through two timelines, he has seen many of his loved ones die, and he himself does not have the luxury of death. He is bitter, violent, and indulges in self-sabotaging behaviours. This film, and this portrayal of Logan, is truly heartbreaking.

It is also really sad to see Professor X ageing as well, because you are seeing two of the most powerful mutants be brought so low over time. It is also really interesting to see how damaged Professor X is due to his age and his past. He who was so mentally powerful; the strongest of the strong. Something seriously messed up must have happened to bring him down like this (but more about that in the spoiler section).

I have mixed feelings about the R-rating of this film (MA15+ in Australia). Hugh Jackman actually took a paycut so that this movie could have an R-rating, which just shows how necessary it was for him. On one hand, this allowed them to create that heavy tone for the film so it could have a bit more weight to it. With a lower rating, producers might have wanted the film to steer away from such seriousness to pander to younger audience members. The film is also extremely violent, and the R-rating comes in handy for a lot of the fight scenes.

On the other hand, there are quite a few random things that I think they threw in unnecessarily just because the R-rating allowed them to. For example, Professor X swearing a lot at the beginning of the film seemed really out of character and too over the top. Of course, it does show you just how much has changed and does make you pity what he has gone through to make him so different, but still over the top. Another example: the girl that randomly flashes Logan was just really unnecessary (and it wasn't even a good flash, let's be honest). But you do forget about these things and the movie makes better usage of it's R-rating in later scenes, so its only a small gripe.

The actual storyline is interesting, but it's not the focus of the film. We're not saving the world this time; there's no giant beam of death going into the sky. The film instead explores the characters really in-depth, and in doing so it felt like a really grounded and realistic film, even in a film where the main character has retractable claws.

The character of the young girl was pretty interesting, and Dafne Keen does a fantastic portrayal of her, especially seeing as this is her first film. Hollywood is really going very well in casting child actors lately!

Apart from that, I also really liked the score in this movie, and of course it's always great to hear Johnny Cash.


Spoiler on the mutants:

Spoiler on Professor X:

Spoiler on Logan:

Spoiler on Laura:

A few side notes:
  • Caliban really did look like a motherly Nosferatu, it was pretty hilarious
  • Logan reading comic books (loosely) based on his X-Men adventures was great
  • Self-driving trailers look so scary!
  • No post credits scene but it doesn't need one
  • How did that lady edit her video on her phone like that?! Is she like a genius or something?
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