Monday 3 July 2017

The next time you're unsure of what to do, remember the Sad Astronaut.

Rough Night (2017)

5.5/10 on IMDb
48% on Rotten Tomatoes

Chloe's thoughts: It's alright;
Low-energy entertainment

Watch it if you: Are a fan of ScarJo;
Want to watch a mindless movie in the background;
Want a fun chick flick that you can laugh about how stupid it is

Jess reunites with her college friends for her bachelorette weekend trip in Miami. It starts off as a fun night, but when their male stripper ends up dead at their beach house, chaos ensues.

I'm really not used to watching comedies in theatres, or at all, really. I expected this movie to be quite crap, because I think most comedies are, but it was actually quite enjoyable. It is still such a stupid movie, but it did have me laughing a lot!

I think what made this comedy stand out for me while I was watching it was that the film goes beyond just a regular comedy movie. I knew going in that the male stripper was going to die, but the actual scene was quite a shock. I thought he would die in a really hilarious and random way, but in the movie there was a huge shift in tone and it was actually quite a dramatic way for him to die. I genuinely felt very unsettled and terrified during his death scene, but they still had some pretty humorous moments sprinkled in throughout the scene, and after this scene it starts getting funnier and it's a different type of humour compared to the beginning part of the film.

What makes this film isn't really the writing, but the actual acting of some of the cast members. Scarjo has some great comedic chops, and it didn't hurt that she's so beautiful. She's obviously the star of the movie and I'm impressed with her comedic abilities as I don't think I've seen her in any comedy yet.

I am also a huge fan of Zoe Kravitz, it's great seeing her going from X-Men: First Class (2011), to Divergent (2014), to more serious acting gigs such as Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) and Big Little Lies (2017), which I haven't actually seen but I've heard she's pretty good in it. She also looks super fab in this movie.

Kate McKinnon, though, I felt went very over the top in this movie. A lot of people really liked her here so maybe it's just an issue with her Aussie accent, but I did think she was overacting quite a lot.

So all in all this was actually a pretty enjoyable film. It's stupid and silly but if you go in with low expectations just wanting to laugh at a B movie, then it's a good watch.

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