Friday, 29 September 2017

You give and you give and you give. It's just never enough.

mother! (2017)

7.0/10 on IMDb
68% on Rotten Tomatoes

Chloe's thoughts: Signed, sealed, and recommended by Chloe, BUT
Proceed at your own risk

Watch it if you: Are intrigued by the trailer;
Are a fan of the director;
Aren't expecting a horror home invasion movie;
Instead, are keen for an arthouse film with ~deeper meaning~

I decided against using my usual format for movie reviews for this movie, because it's a difficult one to place.

If you watch the trailer, it looks like a creepy home invasion psychological thriller, but the actual movie is really different.

It's more of an arthouse type of movie where there's a huge metaphor and every scene has a deeper meaning to it, but if you don't know the metaphor then the entire movie is extremely confusing, and possibly also a little terrible to watch. So, basically, if you can appreciate arthouse movies, then you might like it, but for the more mainstream viewer, it's potentially the worst film ever.

The film is chaotic, violent, and mind-boggling. One article said, "Co-star Ed Harris joked, “I’m still not quite sure what to think of it all.” Deadpanned Javier Bardem: “Basically I did not know what I was doing . . . I don’t even really speak English.”

For myself, watching the movie was really weird. I knew one piece of the allegory because of an interview Jennifer Lawrence did, but I didn't realise other bits of symbolism until towards the end of the movie. The movie was so fast paced and confusing, though, that I didn't really have time to think about the bigger picture until I walked out of the movie. Then suddenly, it clicked, and I think the movie makes a fantastic metaphor for it all. I think it's a movie that would be really fun to analyse in English class, and yes, I am aware of how nerdy that makes me sound.

I kinda want to watch it again, to fully understand the metaphor, so I think it would be good to know the metaphor going in, but since I didn't do that I don't know whether it ruins the fun by taking away your realisation of what it all means.

Anyhoo, the rest of this review is going to be spoilers breaking down the film, so if you think you want to know the metaphor going in, then proceed. If not, I do recommend this film, followed by some reading up of what it all meant, but I would warn you to proceed at your own risk, because this film is... bizarre.

Click to show/hide spoilers:

I feel like I just wrote a HSC worthy essay in that spoiler section. Once you know the metaphor, I think the film feels pretty straightforward, but the film is still pretty insane, and definitely not an easy watch.

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