Saturday 22 January 2011

A is for Apple.

randomly my mum decides to fast on fruit and vegetables alone (except for breakfast-we need the energy) for one week, which was quite difficult seeing as the very first day (monday) of our fasting i had to socialise with friends to celebrate sid's birthday (happy belated sixteenth!)

btw here was my present to sid (i printed it off onto a near-A2 sized poster). Click to enlarge:

so we went lasertag first, and i came out starving and sweaty (picture this: no aircon, running around shooting people, running around away from people shooting you, wearing a large black vest on you; you get sweaty real easily)

and i was like omgsh i'm starving i need some food! so i went and bought some fruit salad (thank gosh they gave me so much watermelon) and it was actually quite filling.
had a watermelon juice after than and that lasted me through the movie (the dilemma-quite funny)

and came back home for so called dinner and wat did we have? salad + corn + tomato + pear...but surprisingly still quite filling...

lately weve been eating a lot of potatoes, like stuffed potatoes for lunch and potatoes and salad for dinner on tuesday and wednesday

thursday i made corn chowder...which didnt turn out that good because i couldnt add creamed corn since that has dairy products in it. i had to make do with soy milk and that didnt turn out good at all.

i guess it tasted alright, but im definitely trying this again next week when we are not fasting. and i really am craving for creamed corn now =[

saturday i was wroking a 9 hour shift so mum said "dw, just have a chicken sandwich" haha but it was really hard to resist a hot chocolate or chai from michel's... =[

anyway here's some more stumbling to do:

giant beach bubbles

10 extraordinary rivers around the world

funny picture
LOL photoshopped or not, this is hilarious.

qwerty beats
love it.

33 creative and smart print ads you'll love
i dont get some of them tho...but the ones i do get are quite hilarious

20 unique and creative logos

forbidden fruit: illegal fruits & food
some of these are plain nasty...the last one is like o_o

visual effects: 100 years of inspiration

Awesome Lady Gaga Acapella Cover
LOL i love acapellas