Friday 17 August 2012


it's been over a month! but now trials are OVER and we get to celebrate and laze around and not pay attention in class even though we never did and continue to learn unfinished topics even though exams are over and we really don't want to!

trials were hectic!
i made a study plan for two weeks before trials and gosh, i have learnt my lesson. never cram that much into two weeks! i will start hardcore studying a month in advance for HSC.

also, olympics didn't help.

summary of how i felt about everything:

- paper 1: i think that was actually quite alright. the essay question was exactly my practice essay so i was like YAY but that definitely does not mean a guarantee of high marks because it was a terrible practice essay to begin with.
- paper 2: mod b was terrible! had to make up my essay on 'mother who gave me life'
- 4u: yes that was terrible too, i lost out on like 20 marks but it's okay because it's 4u and everyone fails that anyway.
- chem: at first i was like yeh that was pretty easy, but then i thought about it and yeh, i'm still not sure; although i didn't bomb it, and i know my rank can drop a little so yeh...
- 3u: i think that was quite alright, just like everyone else i couldn't get the very last 2 marker. i got a headache from waking up for the closing ceremony so there was like 5 minutes in the exam where my headache was so severe i just stopped everything, everything sort of went a bit blurry and i felt like vomitting. the exam centre is SO STUFFY. but after that it was okay.
- phys: okay by the time we did phys, i was so annoyed with everything. my headache from monday was STILL THERE. phys is my worst subject. i hate it so much. i was so sick of it. last subject. i was watching the dark knight rises after that. i just couldn't sit through phys. HOWEVER, it was quite alright. although i always say that and end up getting bad... but anyway i finished with like an hour left. and i can't read analog clocks so i thought i read it wrong. and then i was just sitting there... 'checking my answers'.

so yeh, that's how trials were for me.
and then we went and watched the dark knight rises and it was amazing!

i actually ran into srisha yesterday and she didnt even see the trailers so she had no idea who the characters were and everything, so i won't say any names except Batman is in the film! what a shocker.
i think this was a really good way to continue off the dark knight. there was a lot of pressure on christopher nolan and even he didn't want a third film after dark knight's huge success; he said he would only do it if someone gave him an amazing script, so during his inception filming, the scriptwriters showed their script and he was like YEP IMA DO IT, so rest assured the plot is still very amazing and intricate and crazy and overwhelming and headache-inducing, just like the dark knight.
and the villain was also amazing, very clever and very cool, and yeh. there's not much i can say without spoiling it. i can't give you the setting, the characters or anything; but some of the twists I CALLED THEM OUT! i was like YEHP I SAW THAT COMING harhar (okay so it was like two twists but still)

so let's go back in time to the term. what happened in the term.

we raised $1400 for breakfast with benefits! and because people like transparency, rest assured ALL of it went to the NBCF:

also, during trials i had a random 'creative break' where i was like I SHOULD ADD STUFF TO MY WALL.

so here is the result of half an hour's worth of mixing and matching postcards around my wall:

isn't that amazing? i'm quite happy =]

oh yeh, so holidays now and i can do all the cool stuff i wanted to do after holidays (not much actually, i didn't have enough time to think of it)



okay anyway. now i have more time to exercise and watch movies and youtube again and just relaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i started exercising and dieting again! exciting. and im motivated now more than everrrrrr.

i'm not on my cross trainer anymore though, just doing some pilates moves like crunches and leg kicks and things like that

and i've finally gotten the courage to buy a pair of tights to wear in public (like instead of pants!) never before have i ever though of doing that so this is A VERY BIG DEAL FOR ME.

annnnnnd i also applied for my uac stuff! all my preferences downsies! and i finally get to focus on my scholarship applications again yaaaay

end note:
the term is closing in no time! we have like 5 weeks left to see each other in a rigid school environment. make the most of these 5 weeks. don't stress too much. your internal marks are all over. your internal ranks are set. there's not much you can do now to make your hsc mark good except to just try and retain everything you have studied for trials, and then learn the new things. try not to forget everything you just studied because otherwise it'll be soooo hard and exhausting to relearn everything again! try and perfect those essays but don't spend sleepless nights doing them! relax, but still be productive. you can do light studying and revising from now till HSC rather than not doing anything and then cramming stuff into the last few weeks before HSC.

remember, time flies guys! so make the most of it! in 3 months, our formal is OVER!

until next time everyone!

stumbleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee timeeeeeee (boy, didn't you miss this)

17 more images that can't be unseen

making furniture with magnetism

the most powerful photos of 2011

town with no roads

where's wall.e?

phone booth

using corporate slogans on condoms

amazing sand art

was it luck or skill?

world in orange