Saturday 2 August 2014

Nooks and Grannies

Finally... something productive done these holidays...I made another cover for my nook!

I was going to use material from my backpack that broke some time ago, but then I realised that the big pocket actually fit the nook perfectly, so I cut it out as well as some other material for the backing. The pocket cover didn't actually fully reach the button so I had to unstitch the lid and sew it on first before sewing on the backing.

I don't have a sewing machine so I had to do it all by hand which was a bit tedious. I also had to use fabric glue to glue down the ends of the backing since it didn't really iron flat. I had a few hiccups with sewing on the backing and a few mistakes showed but I went to Lincraft and bought some embellishments to cover it up. I bought two embellishments and put them both on.

Then I figured one cut off from the white embellishment looked nice on the front, so I glued it on with the fabric glue.

Now for some more movies!

Robin Hood

6.7/10 on IMDb
43% on Rotten Tomatoes

So I was pretty excited to watch this movie, since I love the idea of Robin Hood, bows and arrows and all that good stuff. However, this movie was quite a disappointment. I guess I didn't watch many trailers of it or anything, but seeing as the title of the film is Robin Hood, I expected the movie to be about ROBIN HOOD. Instead, we get Robin Longstride, who is actually Robin Hood, but before he was Robin Hood. Back when he was a loyal knight. You see, the film actually leads up to when he becomes Robin Hood. Unfortunately though, it takes the whole movie to do it. He's only Robin Hood for like the last minute of the film.

I mean don't get me wrong, I love watching how famous characters come to be, but this just wasn't what I was expecting. Maybe if they just condensed that bit to half the movie, and have him as Robin Hood for the other half of the movie, that would be lovely. But instead, we get two and a half hours of Robin Longstride. It could have been a movie about any medieval person stepping up to be a knight and hero for their kingdom. And yes, while we get the sense that life is unfair for Robin Hood since he does so many good things and is still cast away as an outlaw, it just isn't what you expect because there is actually no Robin Hood.

Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett were great though, and I reckon if I went in to this movie knowing it wouldn't actually be about Robin Hood, I would have enjoyed it a lot more.


6.8/10 on IMDb
86% on Rotten Tomatoes

Do you guys remember Speed? The classic 1994 film with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock where a bus is hijacked and can't go below 50 miles per hour? Well that's what I thought of when I watched this film.

It's essentially like Speed except that there is a train... and it has no one driving it... and there are hazardous chemicals on board. So you can see it's actually not as bad and not as complete of a rip-off as I thought it would be. The plot is quite good I guess (maybe better if Speed hadn't come out all those years ago) and it can get quite intense at times, but I guess maybe it felt a little too long. Some scenes were a bit dragged out, some characters' complete imbecile and moronic actions were too emphasised (but frankly they were so exaggerated that you couldn't help groaning aloud at them - which does mean the movie was engaging enough for me to do it), and the side plots to do with the main character's problems are not really necessary. But other than that, it actually was quite a thrilling movie with some very intense moments throughout.

The Box

5.6/10 on IMDb
45% on Rotten Tomatoes

So this movie is about this couple who are struggling financially and going through a lot of personal issues. Until, of course, a creepy man shows up to their doorstep with a box. He tells them that they have 24 hours to decide whether they should press the button on the box. If they do, someone, somewhere, will die. But, they will also get a million dollars.

It's quite creepy and weird since it's a psychological horror, but it's quite a good concept for a plot, and you realise it's got quite a lot of strong Christian themes that sort of salvage the movie. Not just that, but it delves really deeply into the human condition, and the debate between determinism and free will. However, they still don't really tie the loose ends together and there are a lot of unanswered questions. It was quite memorable, but I'm still trying to decide whether it was in a good way or a bad way. I'm not sure if I would recommend it or not.

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