there will be blood is about this independent oil man and the movie shows just how competitive some people will get when it comes to money
it was relli boring for me but there is sort of a 'moral to the story' thing if you analyse it close enough (i checked imdb ==)
its also quite interesting if you dont mind heaps of talking and hardly any music
it also shows a lot of different characters and how tough life can be with all these crazy people around you: you have the smart, the insecure, the liars, the competitive, etc.
the ending was like o_O i mean yeh i wanted it to end quick but that ending was relli random
i guess its good as in its different from normal endings but yeh...strange...
anywai the plots alrite but the movies very boring, dont watch it unless you desperately need to kill time
there are these two lovers, cecilia and robbie, and cecilia's little sister briony loves robbie as well
everytime briony sees the two of them together, she misunderstands wat has happened and starts to get very confused about all this
later, robbie is accused of a crime he didnt commit and he gets sent off to jail, then the army.
this act completely ruins his and cecilias life-not just their love life, but their actual lives.
man i relli like this movie =D its like so interesting
some parts in the middle are boring as well and i dont relli get wat the point of that was but the way the director put this film together is relli smart
the point of view of the characters is constantly changing so you have no idea of who the main character actualli is-cecilia, robbie, or briony
then in the end it kinda shocks you who the main character is
the plots also relli nice as well, its relli suspenseful and sad- like i cried in the end cuz yehh very sad =[
its a very good movie go watch it (Y) =D
cloverfield is about this guy, rob, who's leaving new york to work in japan and his friends throw a surprise going away party for him, which is recorded on tape by his friend hud
then all of a sudden this random thing starts attacking the city and the two of them together with robs brother jason, jason's girlfriend lily and another random friend marlena
before they can escape tho, rob wants to save his friend beth so they go back to where the monster is to save her
this movies plot was alrite but the camera-ing was relli horrible
it made everything so chaotic and i had no idea wat was going on
the ending was also very lame: they just leave you hanging and you have no idea where the movies gonna go
theres a cloverfield 2 out and im not sure i wanna watch it because i dont see how they could continue on with the ending of that movie without making it lame
since the whole movie was a tape that was found by people trying to gather evidence of the cloverfield incident they cant just have another tape with the SAME ppl cuz thats lame...
but at least the ending wasnt so cliched like in the last 5 seconds random scientists pop up and they like kill the monster then explain where the monster came from and how it got there and they live happily ever after...riiiiiiiiiiite..
well then, if your not prone to headaches, go ahead =]
madagascar: escape 2 africa!!! lol awesum movie =D
now alex, marty, melman and gloria are leaving madagascar for new york using the plane the penguins built, which then starts malfunctioning and then they crash land into africa where alex degrades himself and needs to find a way to build his rep up again
while all the other animals have other problems: marty is sad to find that hes exactly alike to all the other zebras and he wants to be an individual
melman is troubled by love and he thinks hes gonna die
and gloria has trouble with love too
apparently this movie was just like lion king but i dont remember lion king so i wont comment on that
but this movies plot wasnt that good, altho it was so much funnier than the first =D
its awesum stuff, you HAVE to watch it =D
lololol okay now for dark knight special features! they were so awesum!!!
most of it was boring but altogether there was
-Gotham Uncovered: Creation of a Scene, where the director and crew show how they filmed some scenes with IMAX and the building of the new batsuit and batpod
this bit was so awesum they also included how they came up with the joker's music theme and yehh that was awesum cuz they also kept playing batmans theme =D
the batpod and batsuit bits were AWESUM as you can see them clearer (especially the batpod cuz thats onli seen at night i think) this was the best section
-Imax sequences: basically showing all the scenes where they used special IMAX cameras which have higher resolution and better quality. there were 6 scenes in this and they are all very very awesum =]
-Gotham Tonight: most boringest bit. its like a tv news show and they show 6 episodes of it
i saw the first ep and i was like wattheheck? then i saw the second ep cuz it looked sorta interesting but it was half insanely boring so i stopped. i dont plan to look at the rest...
-Gallery: where they show galleries of joker cards, concept art, poster art, production stills and trailers & tv spots
galleries were all right but the joker cards got boring concept art-very interesting; poster art-drooooooool; production stills-(Y) just good.
trailers were alrite but ives seen them before and tv spots got boring
so i just saw a list of all the batman villains and boy am i excited to find out whos gonna be in the third batman-if there is one.
the dark knight makes references to cats (catwoman) and lau being very good with calculations (the calculator) but im not sure...people find all sorta of ways to connect one thing to another so youre never relli sure
so maybe theyre in it but id relli like to see the riddler, poison ivy or the penguin in it, altho the penguin and poison ivy are very unlikely since the director wants to keep this batman series in a more realistic version
so go the riddler (Y) =D
and apparently angelina jolie would play catwoman if there is one-apparently...
anywai so here is the batman theme =D
enjoy, have a good holiday. my bdays on 23rd and merry christmas, happy new year, all that jazz.
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