Thursday 11 March 2010


just a quickie: i realised i didn't do a review on Lord Sunday!

so, obviously if you haven't read the other 6 books you wouldn't have a clue of what i'm saying.
well this book is alright, actually it's more than alright; i'd say it's good.
i couldn't help but laugh when i read that sunday's dawn, noon and dusk were called 'the sower, the grower and the reaper', since lord sunday rules over the incomparable gardens.
haha i found that hilarious.
hmm, the plot: pretti good. some unexpected turns here and there, especially the ending. the ending was like woahhh never expected that. i'm so glad it wasn't one of those overly cliched endings like harry potter though, seriously that sucked sucks.
BUT, my suspicions of dame primus were correct, even thoguh it was pretty obvious.
anywai, yeh, overall it was good.

oh, and i started Life of Pi, by Yann Martel
pretty good so far, i love the language he uses, some of it is like wowwww so noiceee
i still don't really get how it's going to be interesting though, i mean the blurb just says its about some 16 year old boy name Pi on some lifeboat with a hyena, zebra, female oran-utan and a tiger.
does that sound interesting to you?
well, watever, it won several awards and my bro's friend says it's good and it IS good so far (although i barely read anything), so yeah, i'll just continue. =]

you know agatha christie? the crime author i was talking about a while ago...
well she has a book called And Then There Were None
and it was inspired by the song Ten Little Indians, and it's like each person gets murdered one by one
well anywai, guess the other title it was called by?!

CLICK HERE for the hilarious answer.


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