so i googled, and went to this site and then i saw the footprint calculator, which calculates your ecological footprint based on your lifestyle.
so my results were (click if its too small to read):
so basically, to support <7 billion people who lived like me (and most of the answers were rough estimates), earth would have to be one child of a triplet.
and then the alternatives:
if i purchased products that use less packaging or were made out of 100% (PCR) recycled material, earth would need to be 2.9 times as big as it is if everyone lived like me.
if i reduced the amount of animal products i eat by half, then earth would need to be 2.4 times as big as it is if everyone lived like me.
if everyone lived like me for both, it would be 2.3 times as big.
of course, there's other alternatives that we could change that could make a difference, but seriously, we can't please everyone. one of the questions was "does your house have electricity"... i mean, the chances of you finding someone who doesn't have electricity is VERY RARE, i mean i was using the internet to do the quiz, how else do you power the internet up?
these quizzes are meant to make you feel guilty, but i don't really. i mean, everyone is doing this too. me making a change won't even help that much...i cut down how many earths we would need if everyone lived like me from 3 to 2.4, but that's if EVERYONE lived like me. which is impossible since some people go crazy and are never energy saving.
all i'm saying is, i guess we're pretty much screwed because of our lifestyles, and it won't change because people don't handle negative change very well. we are a technologically advancing world and we don't want to deprive ourselves of said technology, so we won't welcome negative change into our lives.
and, back to the main topic of this blog, earth hour. 8.30pm tonight (saturday 27th march).
but, and here comes the negativity again, earth hour is a stupid idea. sure, everyone goes energy saving for one hour, but then after that we're like normal again, we still need lights on and we still watch the tv and we still store our candles in the cupboard until a power failure. they should make it so we have earth hour like twice every year, and then slowly every month, and then like every week or sumthing.
if we keep doing that, then it'll make a difference and just become habit.
i'm just saying.
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