Wednesday 17 March 2010

further musings

my bro showed me this video (on facebook, so i can't watch it anymore ==)
its HILARIOUS, some malaysian driver waiting for this other driver to park- once again, HILARIOUS.

this sausage fly, which is actually an ant, is soooo bizarre.

basically, its called a sausage fly because its abdomen is like a sausage (look at the pic) and basically, the abdomen is filled with sperm. what happens is, theres this large stream of normal ants, and the sausage fly goes in the middle and basically a mass orgy starts. the ants rip off the sausage fly's wings and just start raping it like crazy. then the sausage fly dies.
it's one purpose in life is to be raped and die.

wiki says:
Male driver ants, sometimes known as "sausage flies" (a term also applied to males of New World ecitonines) due to their bloated, sausage-like abdomens, are the largest known ants, and were originally believed to be members of a different species. Males leave the colony soon after hatching, but are drawn to the scent trail left by a column of siafu once it reaches sexual maturity. When a colony of driver ants encounters a male, they tear its wings off and carry it back to the nest to be mated with a virgin queen. As with all ants, the males die shortly afterward.

have you ever realised, we take everything for granted. i know most people complain about everything humanely possible (including me), but why don't we take comfort in the little things?

complaint number one: appearances.
let's face it, most of us would say we'd rather someone else's face or body. why else is there make up, plastic surgery, diet fads or thin celebrities? but are we not forgetting, some people aren't lucky enough to have four fingers and a thumb on both hands; hey some people don't even have two hands. some people don't even have four limbs. some are born quadriplegic, or some are born with abnormally large tumours that they can never rid themselves of. some are born half stuck onto someone else's body and some are born blind, deaf or mute. some are born midgets, or outrageously tall. some are born with faces that look like they're seniors. most aren't born with abnormalities, but unfortunate accidents has caused their appearances to change drastically. accidents leaving victims quadriplegic, disabled, blind, deaf, hiv+ or sometimes fires leaving people terribly scarred, or misperformed surgeries leaving people with horrible scars or even paralysis.

for just a minute, why don't we screw the media, screw the world and screw all judgements. for just a minute, tell yourself "i'm happy with the way i look: i am considered normal." because you are normal. you weren't born with thalidomide, phocomelia or any sort of congenital disorder for that matter. you are normal, and you are beautiful, and you don't need make up to be a pretty girl, or muscles to be a hot guy. you are one hundred percent perfectly fine the way you are.

i will continue this list in future blogs.
meanwhile, think about what i said.

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