Friday 16 April 2010


which i made for mattkan's church's masquerade night =D
look at it's left eye and the shadow from the flower makes it look like it has an eye! how awesum is that.
i wanna make more masks now... from scratch
i think i'm craving plaster

lol, i found it so funny that only now are people asking me about my essay, or essays in general.
"have you started your essay?"
"what's your essay question?"
"wat does our essay question mean?"
"what are the themes on macbeth?"
"what is macbeth even about?"
"who the heck is macbeth?"

especially when today people asked me if i've started...and i'm like....uhhh i started a week ago.
but then again, i'm the type of person that needs about a week to do this sorta thing. your day/night before roll...i can't do that.
i get the same panic level the week before it's due.
anywai, i'm too focused on the masquerade to think about the stupid essay, or anything else for that matter.
and a series of very fortunate events has led me to believe that i will no longer fail at science anymore, i hope.
yes, that's right, my insecurities about vasram have fled because of awesum friends such as yourselves!

thank you to everyone who's ever helped me with science, even if i just asked you one question. now there's just maths, history, geo and cooking to worry about...oh golly.

P.S. today me and my mum went to jb hi-fi and we bought the dvd for 300 and it came with these picture thingos, kinda like postcards I LOVE IT =D