WELL i made her caesar salad, and OH GOLLY that bacon was omgsh soooooo noice. you have no idea, until you try it, its like...the BEST thing ever i kid you not.
pinky promise me you will try it out because it is delish.
memento quotes:
-I always thought the joy of reading a book is not knowing what happens next.
-Memory can change the shape of a room; it can change the colour of a car. And memories can be distorted. They're just an interpretation, they're not a record, and they're irrelevant if you have the facts.
-We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are. I'm no different.
-Certainties. It's the kind of memory that you take for granted.
-We all lie to ourselves to be happy.
-If we can't make memories, we can't heal.
masterchef finale tomoro!
that guys awesum and lets face it callum sucks. if callum wins, i think ill go to a corner and just cry my heart out. i mean seriously, adam looks like a cross between a samurai and a sumo wrestler, thats automatic awesumness right there!!!
how funny was that last masterclass! their imitations of each other were sooooo funny. can't believe callum found a bone in his piece of fish! how funny is that.
well, end of one week of school, and it wasnt even a week! just four days. school is just *bleh* i mean seriously i always feel so dead at school, not relli, mainly because its really cold. but seriously, its so hard to get back in this mode. although one week has passed pretty quickly, despite many people having been gone overseas, but charles and justin are back so thats cool.
oh golly and wat was with all those topic tests we had to do gahhhh maths and science it was terrible. and then i spent some of the holidays doing this history booklet and she didnt even collect it wattheheck. waste of my time much.
can't wait till we get out of the aborigines business and move on to pauline hansen (please exploin?)
hmmm things to look forward to this term:
-food tech excursion (where to, i dont even know, but i havent been on an excursion in agessss!)
-work experience week (obviously)
hmmm, not much else, unfortunately, but some things that we are doing differently this term which (good or bad) will bring a change to this mundane life we have at school:
-coaching the year 9's in pass (oh golly, not really looking forward to that, i kinda hate being up front and having ppl look at me especially when im teaching them a sport i dont even really know!)
-food tech, were making different stuff this term, not nutritious or anything so hopefully that means its delicious. that beef stroganoff we made was copied off the masterchef recipes, but slightly changed so it wasnt even that good. oh and she never even gives us salt to season, its like.....wat...
-as you all know i'm a leader at soul purpose so thats gonna be super fun and exciting and something, yeh, knew in my life.
-i started reading the diary of anne frank! for those of you that don't know this book, its about a jewish girl (true story btw) whose family went into hiding from the germans and then after a few years, the police came and arrested them and sent them into concentration camps, and as you can tell, this is her diary.
oh OH and my brioche (yes, more glimmers of hope)! my mum rang the people that make the bread, and turns out they actually live near us and they said they can deliver to us weekly if we want and itll be $3, when in the shops its $4.50 man isn't that awesum!!!! XD love this so much.
oh yeh speaking of food, who has seen jamie oliver's food revolution lately?! how heartbreaking is it! these kids are living such dangerous lives and its not even their faults!
jamie tries so hard and i really feel sorry for him. he tells the kids all the yucky stuff that goes into meat patties, sausages, some (relli relli relli extremely processed) nuggests, etc etc and then they get all disgusted but when its in the shape of a nugget they STILL want to eat it. ugh its terrible. thank gosh he showed them all that fat.
but seriously if i were him id be so mean. tell it straight to their faces. to that family that he's dealing with: "you are a fat mother. you are diabetic and your gonna die early, and so are your kids, unless you stop eating like this". and to the lunchladies: "you think your system WORKS?! wattheheck. if it works so much why are you as big as you are? do you have a mirror? look at the mirror and tell me your system is working."
some people are so oblivious, arrogant and ignorant that the only way for them to learn a lesson is by the hard way, i.e. their son/daughter dying from diabetes. i reckon ONLY things that dramatic will actually help them. its stupid. i mean obviously i dont want them to die, gosh thatd be terrible, but i'm just saying.
OH and the fact that they didnt even know tomatos or potatos or thought that eggplants were pears!!!! wat on earth. omgsh. i think i died of a heart attack watching that.
genius #23: fireworks
so this will probably conclude my series of geniuses, and i wanted to go off with a bang!! i am so sorry, i could not resist the lame pun-jokes.
dont you find fireworks cool?
i mean, i know weve all seen them and were all familiar with them, but honestly. come to think of them, we take them so much for granted. whoever thought to use a weapon as a...celebratory tradition was just a genius in the sense that: firstly its dangerous, secondly it was...odd, thirdly when you pack a firework, you have to pack it, or assemble all the little things together so that the end result is awesum.
but nowadays im guessing they no longer do that anymore.
i love the ones where when the first firwork explodes, the little sparks that they explode into actually explode themselves. omgsh its crazy. im such a fan of fireworks because their just beautiful to watch and especially in like new year celebrations, theyre just brought up to such a grand level, it blows your mind. and the timings and coordinations of everything, i mean obviously they wouldnt have had a practice run so thats yeh, just crazy.
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