okay so the answers are actually RELLI simple but often we all overlook simplicity don't we?
say 2 and 3 are both the same colour. then 1 will be like, well thats OBVIOUS because there's only two of each colour, so i'm the opposite colour.
so if theyre both black, he'd say WHY, GOOD SIR, I AM WHITE!!
but wat if 2 and 3 are white and black, respectively (like in the diagram)?
then 1 would be clueless and relli confuzzled. at this point in time he would have kept quiet for a while seeing as he is confuzzled.
now assuming that these are all intelligent men, or at least not stupid men, then number 2 will realise that the fate of these prisoners lies in him and 1. seeing as 1 has no idea of wat colour he is, then it is clearly not an obvious answer to 1, meaning that 2 and 3 are obviously different colours. so looking at 3's hat, black, he will say the opposite colour, i.e. white.
and they will all live happily ever after.
ingenious, isn't it? (congrats to dulan, eddie and sandhya for figuring it out)
anyway, finally the long-awaited holidays are here. i am soooooooooo ecstatic. even more than usual. here comes the sleeping in and the uncold unstocking mornings (gosh, i hate our uniforms).
anything planned you say? well i shall be going fitness first quite a lot because of the free for students thing they have going on, going city with mum one day, watching toy story 3 at imax...one day, hosting a sleepover for the world cup finals, watching karate kid, and.... working (oh how lame).
but yes. theres not that much work to be done (just history and maths) and so i will have plenty of time on my hands.
right now i am actually very very grateful van loon put the deadline for our essays before school ended. i am actually very please with my essay, yet very disappointed at the same time. you know when you have awesum points but you cant relli express them in words. and then it just looks relli messy and.... draft-like? argh yeh. and not too mention my essay is WAY too long (1172 cut down from 1300+) so i think he will deduct marks. but yeh... oh well.
i'm also planning to read quite a lot. i must finish cloud atlas (nearly there- four more parts to go!) and read the english novel we got, maestro. for wide reading non fiction i want to read the diary of anne frank, and lauren has influenced me to the point that i really want to rewatch the lion king movies!!
oh that reminds me, i havent seen toy story 1 and 2 in like AGES so should i rewatch them before i see 3? is the movie a follow up or does it really not matter?
oh yeah. subject selections.
everyones asking so:
2 english
3 maths
2 physics
2 chemistry
2 ancient history
and i need one more 2 unit because i don't want to do 12 units.
im thinking: legal studies, bio, modern history or earth and environmental science.
although i read the information on the science one and im like ehhhh.... cuz i actually am really interesting in geology, its just that the information on it sounds so much like geo its a massive turn off.
and modern history im not really a fan of. im quite bad at history, but im really interested in ancient history so i might just stick with ancient. the most likely option im going for is legal studies here because im not too good at bio.
how about you guys?
genius #18: click heat packs
so lately it's been really cold and i rediscovered my click heat pack! actually my mum just chucked it to me but still =P
these things are ingenious. you must youtube them to see how ingenious they are.
basically its like a gel/liquid thing and in the middle theres a floating metal button. the liquid is like quite cold and relli relli liquidy, but once you click the metal button, from the metal button, the liquid starts to crystallise and the temperature rises like crazy. its insanely awesum and the crystallisation actually grows outwards. its amazing. then you can fully massage the crystals and it becomes sort of softer and warmer.
how it works is:
the liquid is sodium acetate, which has a freezing point of 54 degrees celcius. however, it is quite happy to settle as a liquid even below its freezing point in the plastic pack that it is in. but when you flip the metal, the flipping causes the atoms near the metal to flip as well and this causes a reaction. the atoms start crystallisng relli quickly, since it is well below their freezing point and this causes their temperature to rise because of the friction and movement of the crystallisation. also by massaging the crystals you are creating even more friction and so more heat is produced.
amazing, isn't it?
seriously youtube it if you haven't already.
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