Tuesday 27 December 2011

30 day drawing challenge

today i started my 30-day drawing challenge yaaaaay

Day 1: Yourself

it turned out relli relli light on my scanner so i had to take a pic of it, so now it's relli dark.

it doesnt relli look like me but it's my first time drawing a face so im happy =D and i personally think the real drawing looks better ahahaha

for the other days i probably won't blog every day, but every few days cuz i relli cbb to blog that much.


a closer look

funny bear statue

everyday objects come alive

awesome picture

chomp chomp creation

did you know archive

dance of the sugar plum fairy glass harp
my gosh i love this.

i feel melty

in japan, even barcodes are well designed

What it takes to get a job at Google