Saturday 2 November 2013

I got a job and found out I was a genius

Wow I haven't blogged in over two weeks!

I got the flu two weeks ago and that killed me for an entire week because I just spent all my time sleeping and really couldn't do anything. But I had to go to NIB for a consultation on my wisdom tooth and I was so out of it, but long story short: I'm going to be getting a wisdom tooth removed after exams!

I'm so worried because I've heard all these stories of swollen cheeks and liquid meals and everything! And at that stage I was thinking of getting a job, so I really hoped that the wisdom tooth removal wouldn't interfere with that.

But yes, I did end up getting a job as a Christmas Casual at The Body Shop at Castle Towers! The Christmas Casual shift is really good because I don't have to work too much and it's mainly the last two weeks of Christmas. I get some shifts scattered before for training and maybe after until the end of January, but it's not that heavy or anything so the wisdom tooth removal shouldn't affect it too much.

Anyway, now I have to learn how to put on make-up! For the interview it took me like a few days to learn how to put on eye-liner but it was still quite a bit dodgy and now I have to learn how to put on even more make-up for when I actually start working! But it seems really fun putting on make-up and stuff and the job seems really fun too (not to mention I can get discounts for products) so I'm super excited!

Also I finished reading My Sister's Keeper!

I think somewhere in a previous post I explained what it was about but if I haven't, it's about a teenager, Anna, who was genetically chosen to be a donor for her sister, Kate, who suffered from leukaemia since she was 2 years old. The story deals with all the ethics behind these designer babies and stuff as we see Anna try to sue her parents to gain medical emancipation so she can make her own decisions about what she has to donate to her sister.

This is my first Jodi Picoult book and I really loved it. The plot is obviously the main feature here, because her language and stuff isn't amazing. There are a number of really good quotes and amazing parts, but some bits seemed like she was trying too hard or were just too cliche. I guess that's just because she had to write from the perspective of teenagers, but it was still a little off-putting.

Anyway, the ending was what made the book in my opinion (I was crying sooo much after I finished the book; I just couldn't believe what happened!). On some forums, a lot of people hated the ending and thought it was just so ridiculous and absurd, but I really liked it because I love interesting, different and unorthodox endings. Apparently they changed the ending in the movie though! I hate it when people do that, but then again I'm really picky when it comes to this stuff.

Oh well, hopefully the movie is good in it's own way (but, like with all book-turned-films, it probably won't be)...

And now I'm starting on a book that for some reason I never finished...

It's called Goodnight Mister Tom and we got it at pre-uni as one of our texts. I remember the first time we went through it I didn't get very far, then I picked it up again in maybe year 8 or 9 and I only got halfway through again. Well, now I've gotten past halfway point and hopefully I'll finish it within the next week or so!

It was also my brother's 23rd birthday on Wednesday and he bought a whole bunch of board games so I've been playing A LOT of them recently. I'll probably go through some of them in the next few blogs because I can't be bothered right now.

For his birthday I bought him this cool 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle of the world map (the up-to-date one which includes South Sudan) and the Simpsons edition of Cluedo:

The Cluedo I bought was actually the Hasbro one which included plastic figurines of the characters, but for some reason the person got mixed up and sent me the Parker Brothers version which didn't have the plastic figurines! I was so annoyed because that was the only reason I bought it from her - to get the plastic figurines. But now it should be okay because she's sending us the plastic figurines soon.

And he also bought these 3D Mensa puzzles:

If you have no idea what Mensa is, it's basically some elitist group of geniuses. So if you get into Mensa, you're amazing. Anyway, they have these 3D puzzles that you need to take apart and put back together again. I'm sure you've seen some of them!

So the ones here in the picture go from "hard" to "hardest" and there are metal and wooden ones of each difficulty level. For some reason... I could do both of the hardest ones, but I can't do the others... The "easiest" wooden one seems possible to take apart, but I have no idea how I would approach putting it back together again.

For the hardest metal one, that was entirely a fluke. I wasn't even looking at it when it came apart and then when I tried putting it back together I couldn't do it so I watched an episode of Modern Family and then it randomly put itself together again, purely by magic.

But yes, here is the barrel that I did:

It was actually quite logical but it took me about an hour to try to fit back together again cuz it was so hard to hold everything in place! But in the end I got it all together again, so I suppose I'm just a genius.