Saturday 16 November 2013

The onset of holidays

I just watched Thor at long last!

For some reason I've never seen it, but since I'm going to be watching Thor 2 (and since my mum bought the DVD) I decided to watch it today and I was pretty impressed! From The Avengers, I seriously thought Loki was the most incapable villain ever, but he seemed much better in this movie. The plot was quite good too, and the special effects were great as well. For the actors, Chris Hemsworth was great at making himself look like an idiot in the film haha I laughed so much at his ignorant smile! I love Natalie Portman as well, she's so amazing and was so great in this!

Anyway, after the end credits scene, I really needed to find some sort of Avengers Timeline so that I could place everything together, and with a quick google search, I found one!

(Click to enlarge in a new tab)

It's pretty cool and I suppose it helps with your understanding of what happens during all the films (plus, timelines are always cool).

What else is there...

I picked up my roster for The Body Shop and it's pretty jam packed from Wednesday the 27th of November until Tuesday the 24th of December. A lot of the shifts are like 3-4 hours long so I suppose it won't get too tiring, but they're at really inconvenient times so most of my days are being taken up, but as long as I'm getting money then 'sall good! =] Unfortunately I'm working on my birthday but it's only 3 hours so it's not too bad.

UHMMMMMMMMMM... Oh I finished my book!

As I said, it's a children's book but it's still quite deep. It's set during World War II and focuses on this young boy, William Beech after he is evacuated from London to a safer country town. Anyway, the story behind William is actually really sad, and you come to pity him a lot, but then when he comes to the country town it's all happy chappy fine and dandy.

I really liked it, as far as children's books go. I'd love to see a modern film adaptation of it, and I say modern because when I googled it, the guy that plays Mister Tom looks really creepy..

And my exams are all over now so I'm freer to do stuff yay! I started reading the book 'The Help' by Kathryn Stockett but I've only started one chapter since I was studying so much! So far it's good; I heard a lot of good things about it and they even made a movie on it so I'm excited to finish reading it.

For a post-exams celebration, Diwan and I went to an icecream place at Darling Harbour (since I got a voucher for it at Groupon) and we had the most funky looking sundae!

It looks delicious but the wafer bowl thing was just like a normal cone and such a hassle because you couldn't just pick it up like a normal ice cream cone and we got three scoops that was impossible to finish! In the end I was left with an almost complete wafer bowl (minus two bites) plus a nasty soup of icecream in the middle. But it was still delicious!

And that's it!

I haven't really been doing much because of exams, and I've done some random stuff that isn't worth/I ceebs blogging about. Oh, but I recently decided to look at all the photos my mum and I took of our Singapore/Malaysia trip waaaaaaay back in January/February so maybe I'll do a blog on that.

Until next time and here's to enjoying our holidays!