Movies! oh the joy of spending around 2 hours watching strangers in situations that will never occur in your life and still being emotionally connected to them.
i've been watching a lot of movies lately so i will try to brief it as much as i can and not give a recount of what happened in the actual film because you can just imdb that:
Johnny English: Rebornthis is hilarious. honestly i don't think i can say much more. of course some of the humourous stuff was very predictable but i think thats wat added to the humour and positivity of the film, the fact that you know it is going to happen but can still laugh a lot when it does happen is great.
The Princess and the Frogoh man, i cannot believe i did not watch this when it first came out, but seriously, this is so good. the quality of it, the animations, the songs, everything, was jsut amazing. i got so emotionally attached the the characters, i was crying at the end. this is just too good. now i am reverted to my thinking that life is going to be amazing and my future marriage will be perfect and everything, which sucks but watever i love this film.
The Touristokay, so i heard a lot of bad reviews on this film before watching it so i was a bit skeptical when first watching this, but it actually wasn't that bad. at the beginning you are a bit confused because they speak french without subtitles, and then its a bit slow paced, but you start understanding things along the way. the only bad thing is that the ending, while still being like a funny sort of twist, it seems like the writer just...i dont know, just couldn't be bothered and took the easy way out and just quickly ended it. i mean, angelina jolie and johnny depp were great actors, it's just the actual storyline that has problems, but it still was quite a good movie.
Monsters and Aliensthis movie is a bit comical, and with comical we have stupid. it is rather silly but yeh i guess if you want some light entertainment then go for it, but if you know youre not into it then this movie wont convert you.
The Brothers Grimmwith silly, you also get movies that are weird. just weird. this was one of them. i just, i don't know how to explain was boring at first then a bit weird and then slightly creepy towards the end, then just in the middle at the very end. i dont' know, i didn't really like it even though it had heath ledger and matt damon in it.
How Do You Knowman, owen wilson in this was so annoying, his character was just ugh i wanted to punch him. this movie was okay, i didn't really know wat was going on but maybe that was because my mum was skyping right next to me. acting i think is pretty good in it, comical at times and intense at others, but overall not all that spectacular.
The New Worldi was looking so forward to this because:
1) it's pocahontas
2) good actors
3) so many awards
but was very disappointed. i think in this day an age we are just so used to fast paced action and directing that this movie just...just does not meet my expectations, although it has gotten several praises and awards for best motion picture. to me it was very slow paced, repetitive, boring. although i must say that the acting is terrific, the girl who plays pocahontas was only 14 at the time! which is just amazing. but yes, it is slightly based on her true story, although (expectedly) they added in the story about her having a relationship with captain john smith, which no one really knows if it is true or not. the ending was quite good, but yeah, very repetitive. i am definitely not watching this movie again. i'd much rather watch dances with the wolves than this, seeing as the bit they added with john smith was like a complete rip off of dances with the wolves.
Morning Gloryanother movie i was looking forward to watching because of the great cast. it actually wasnt such a great film although it did open my eyes to (Hollywood's perception, at least, of) the background work into the media, like news coverage and morning shows. naturally i'm not a particular fan of morning news shows, or even news shows in general, but i do think that these morning shows are relli silly in that, there is actual news happening in the world and here they are focusing on like, what, trolleys and celebrities arriving at airports and stuff, their priority is all wrong. coming from someone who does not watch the news regularly, i think means a lot. but yes, not that great of a movie, although rachel mcadams is so pretty!
Shutterlol saw this at kevins place because all the other horror movies requested to be downloaded by diwan were either not downloaded, foreign, or just relli bad quality. and so we were stuck with this one. it wasnt that bad, i think mainly because with friends horror movies are generally easier to handle. also, gosh horror movies are being so so so repetitive. always the same thing. things appearing in photographs, ghosts seen in the dark windows of trains, a lone girl in the middle of a corridor with a flickering light. i mean you know something is going to happen so it's not that bad. but some of the things that happened in this movie were pretty gruesome, but it was an alright film.