Friday 18 June 2010

you don't know what you got 'till it's gone.

*looks at title*
you got that right, it's that time again... my regular moment of deepness!

so in pd, our student teacher showed us this vid of a chick who was in a car crash and suffered third degree burns. it was so bad she had to get so many skin grafts and at the end of it she didn't even look human! she had no hair, no ears, and no nose. one eye was sewn shut, the other barely open, her skin pale and unhealthy, and her mouth disfigured, not to mention her entire face. fingers on both hands were amputated.

the sad thing is that a drunk driver crashed into her. it wasn't even her fault. and she was so pretty. her life was just destroyed in that one night.

i mean, when i was watching it... i just couldn't believe it.
like. argh.
everything's so screwed up and unfair in this world!

it's times like these where i just LOVE everything in my life as it is. seriously, i feel so guilty for looking at things in such bad lighting. as you all probably know, i'm very judgmental and critical of even the tiniest details. and now i just feel retarded for doing that. and it's relli sad that, i say this now, but i KNOW that if you give me a week or two i will just go back to being wat/how i was before.

it always happens.

but this, i think i will seriously keep remembering this at random times for the entirety of my life! and it's so sad that we live in such an awesum world, but nobody notices it. we take things for granted sooooo much. a simple car ride, we get angry at the traffic lights, the speed limits, the signs, the bad asian drivers (im joking, i hate stereotypes), but we never realise that we were so lucky.

no fines, no flat tires, no DRUNK DRIVERS CRASHING IN TO YOU.

and yes, that old adage, you don't know what you got 'till it's gone.

ever seen those people in hospital or those who go through divorces/marriages or those who have their homes repossessed. more examples: people who cheat on their other half, people who just lost a loved one, anything like that.

i reckon most of those people didn't know what they had until they lost it. they took for granted their husband/wife, job, house, family, etc. once it's gone, it's hard to get back, if you can even get it back in the first place.

we are just about the worst generation there is: we are spoilt and we haven't done anything, been through anything to earn what we have received.

to sum it up, because i think this post is crazy long, and insanely pessimistic, let's all try to be just a tad more grateful of what we have. try not to take things for granted. we have awesum lives. let's not forget that. no matter what position you're in, there's always someone much, much worse than you. and the sad thing is, they're probably the ones that don't deserve it.

"If a person stumbles, he must pick himself up and keep going. I believe this is very important; if not, life would not have much sense."

- Jacqui Saburido
(the chick that was in the accident- google her, but i'm warning you, it's very very frightening)

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