Thursday 15 November 2012

sign-out day

ahh, i'm so sick of year 11s. at sign-out day today, selling (or trying to sell) textbooks to them, they are SO CHEAP.

incredibly cheap.

i tried to sell my 3u past paper book for $15 because it's sorta old. the chick was like 'erm...' so i said 'fine $10' and shes like 'i think i can get it for 5'.

i was like wooooow and just walked off.

and tons of people are like to other people and other books '$15? my friend got it for 5'.


such cheapos.


15/11/2012: Sign-out day and book-selling day. These are all the books that I couldn't pre-sell on Facebook and all the books I couldn't sell last Friday and all the books I couldn't sell today. I think I will just resort to selling them online to non-cheapos seeing as no one wanted them.


also, i watched We Need To Talk About Kevin.

basically, i stick to what i said before: no movie has done justice to its respective novel. of course, lord of the rings is amazing but i haven't read the books yet so so far this still holds.

i dunno, i read all these reviews saying it's AMAZING. maybe i'm just biased because i loved the book. maybe.

or maybe the scenes were slow-paced, their was unnecessary dragging out, it was a bit sloppy, confusing and chaotic.

the novel was epistolary, and from the essay i wrote on frankenstein, i know this means it is in the form of letters. letters the main character writes to her husband. so i expected some sort of narrative in the movie. there was none. you couldn't tell exactly what her inner feelings were.

well, i could because i read the book.

but i'm not too sure if non-readers could really get a sense of it.

they missed out on quite a few things.

but then i read roger ebert's review on it, and he seemed to have gotten a lot from the movie, a lot of stuff that was in the book.

so maybe it's just because i read the book and expected something amazing.

but to me, the ending isn't as impactful because they didn't follow through with the idea of the main character writing those letters to her husband.

anyway, two links for you today:

if tim burton made pokemon

square stanza
lewis carroll is a genius let's just say that