Monday 30 August 2010

nails 101

i believe i am the master of all things nail-related. here are some things that i ALWAYS do or that i just read on the net to do. oh, if your not interested in nails scroll down about me lucid dreaming =D

broken nail:
but a snippet off a teabag large enough to cover the area that has been broken. lay it on top of your nail and then paint over it with clear nail polish. it might sting a bit when its drying, but once dried you can file your nail down so it looks better
this is absolutely amazing. the teabag goes clear so it doesnt look dodgy, and it fully strengthens your nails and now they dont hurt or snag onto clothes anymore.

chipped nail:
same thing as the above, but this time fold the teabag underneath the white part of your nail, so it strengthens and there is no chance of your nail breaking

peeled nail:
you know when the top layer of the nail comes off, or when the nail is chipped and from that chip is peels off, revealing this ugly little useless nail?
just use a buffer and file it down. if the buffer is to weak, lightly use a nail filer just to sort of smooth it out, then use the buffer. the nail will be relli thin so use nail polish over it if you want.

messy nail job:
when you paint your nails and then get it all over your surrounding skin, just grab a toothpick and a cotton ball. take some of the fibres from the cotton ball out with the toothpick so that the fibres wrap around the tip of it. then dip it in nail polish remover and then remove the paint on your skin.

diy nail art:
if you dont have a small nail brush, then just use a toothpick and make it sort of blunt on the end, otherwise it looks like its really scratchy. but dont make it too blunt otherwise it just looks stupid, it depends on how thick you want your lines to be.

dry skin around nails:
use cuticle oil. honestly cuticle oil is like my best friend.
because its oil, you dont even need to use that much, 1 drop is enough for two fingers, then have one drop separately for each thumb. you have to fully massage it into the skin, then let it sit for some time.
it feels a bit icky and stuff, but then after that you can wash it off then immediately put on hand lotion. do this like everyday until your hands are beautiful, then i think your meant to use it cuticle oil says recommended treatment is once a week...hmmm...

friday morning i lucid dreamt.
second time.
i was walking up to some shops along this pathway that had quite a few steps. then i looked down at my hands, and i read before that usually in your dreams you have more or less fingers than usual. so i looked down at my hands (i dont know why) and then my hands were quite blurry and my left hand had extra fingers so i was like =O im dreaming.

then i tried thinking of things to do, and then my dream went quite blurry. i read before that thats because your brain wants to wake up, and all you need to do is tell your brain to keep you in the dream. so i basically said to myself. stop. keep me in the dream. dont wake me up. keep me here. and then it went less faded, and by this time i was in the shopping centre.

one of the shops was covered like when shops are covered for construction. so then i was like omgsh i want to walk through walls. so then i ran up to the white covering things (which now turned to glass) but i didnt go through it, i just stopped. and then i was like mmk ill jsut walk through it. so i walked up to it and pressed myself against it. then i eased through it as if it was jelly, and then i was inside. and i basically just kept doing that for some time.

then i was like i wanna climb a mountain! so i walked through a wall then i was on top of a mountain. then the dream went relli blurry and i was like nononononono. but then my dream ended, although i didnt wake up. so i think my dream cycle ended, and i went into a deeper sleep, thats why the dream wasnt that clear to me, it is still relli faded even though i was lucid.

fact 9. i get over my problems extremely quickly.
although the process may be extremely dramatised and i would just feel like nothing, i do actually get over my problems relli fast. i think its because i dont even consider my problems actual problems. im fifteen, wat sort of problems is life going to give me?

my problems are nothing compared to the world's problems. there are people out there suffering so much more than i am, so i just think to myself: whats the point of me crying over spilt milk when theres a billion more cartons of where that milk came from. others wouldnt even have extra milk, that was the last milk they had and they spilt it; they deserve to cry over it.

just remember when youre feeling sad: there are millions of people out there worse off than you are.

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