Thursday 26 August 2010

sunday, monday happy days...

...tuesday, wednesday happy days
thursday friday happy days

new videos:
Best Illusion Ever
Rachmaninov had big hands

i love this pic (serves them right for having those disgusting ear things)

its the home that i visited last week at work exp, and i was there when they took the photos of it, and i helped choose the photos and which order they went in, and also i helped write the description! =]

stuff this week:

i had massive cramps so didnt go to school.
as i was lying in bed, helplessly in the foetal position, i couldn't help but think: why OH WHY did eve have to eat that forbidden fruit?! honestly, if it weren't for her, women wouldnt have pains and everything during their periods or during pregnancy. gosh.

came back to school and wat happened? i got bombarded with all these assignments.
luckily ive already finished some and have written up a study outline for me to do so i can finish everything on time and without stress.

last day of touch for EVER!
and wat a way to end the season: with a broken nail.
i was just standing there and my finger stung (like when a needle pokes it) then i looked at it and it was fully bleeding!
i was like wat!!?!
its still hanging there, like the actual nail is completely separated from the rest of the nail, but its still attached to the flesh at the bottom and keeps snagging onto clothes/material when i change/shower/sleep.

also had my ortho appointment and my ortho told me im getting them off next wednesday!! YAYYYYYY
this is my last colour ever! (bright green)
yayyyyy im so happy

i had an experiment with myself.
i was in the shower and avoided doing anything with my left hand cuz of my broken nail (yes i am typing without my left index-it feels weird)
and that got me will i survive if i had my left arm chopped off?
so then from then on i did everything with my right arm only.
lets jsut say it was extremely difficult drying myself, putitng my clothes on and especially opening doors when you have a pile of clothes in your arms.
oh not to mention trying to open my moisturiser bottle LOL

but yes, it was very interesting and so instead of that short half hour, tomoro i will try my hardest not to use my left arm in anything (except the history class test we have and pd)
man, this will turn out so interesting....i might forget actually...

fact 8. i love and hate compliments.
im sure everyone loves compliments right?
what with my low self esteem, i sure love them.
but then again, i hate them.
honestly im not used to having true compliments that spring out of nowhere and are sincerely honest. i just dont know how to respond to them.
this is basically how it goes:
"hey *insert compliment here*"
"huh?...oh right...uhm...okay..."
and then i forget to say thank you!
and then later im like ohmygosh i was so rude i didnt thank them!!
and then im like WAT IF THEY THINK IM RUDE
and then i get all worried. haha

but honestly sometimes i feel when i say thank you im like agreeing to it, and i may seem stuck up so i dunno... i never feel comfortable with responding to compliments.

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