Thursday 5 August 2010

westpac was the hardest thing i've ever done

the more i look at the purple dress, the more i like it. i think it overtakes the guy's one.
oh yeh, votings for the dress designs are on facebook so vote if you want! haha my mum voted for the purple one =P

i think the dude that i get cheap imax tickets from is upselling them, cuz everytime i book a ticket from imax, the price on the ticket is $8.50... ==

*sigh* i need to find the dude that HES getting the tickets off =P

hmm so subject selections:
line 3 ancient
line 4 chem
line 5 phys
line 6 legal


and my interview is with ms hawken, she seems friendly...actually not relli. i dunno =/

so i had my gloria jeans interview today. going in on monday for a trial =] cant wait. gloria jeans seems so much better than michel's patisserie. i've decided that if i get this job at gloria jeans, im gonna stick with it. i reckon im way too impatient and picky when it comes to this sort of thing. i'm probably gonna end up hating gloria jeans, but I AM DETERMINED TO STICK WITH IT. until year 12 obviously, because then i'll be studying and stuff. but seriously, pros of working with gloria jeans rather than michel's patisserie:

-work environment seems much better
i dunno, it just seems so much more organised and everything. the cash register is on a computer screen, and the orders go through the computer, so theres no writing it down on a bit of paper and sticking it frantically onto the coffee machine, everythings organised. one person does the coffee or hot chocolate base and the next person does the milk. so organised! ocd people like me probably think this is heaven

-less things to keep track of
seriosuly, when you start working with large cakes, small pastries, pies, coffee prices, drink prices and special deals, it gets too crazy. once again gloria jeans is computerised and so i dont need to remember prices and stuff. also means i dont have to remember as much so i'll pick things up faster

-gloria jeans' drinks are so much better
i loved their iced chocolate. its the best thing in the world. i love their hot chocolates. and also their other drinks, gosh they seem so noice. i dont recall trying them, but a lot of people talk about them, which is always a good sign.

-better pay
the chick working there told me "don't quote me but it hink for a 15 year old the pay is 8 something". yayyyyyy

-get to learn coffee
this happens when i've mastered everything else, and she said about 5-6 months, so im gonna go hardcore and just start remembering everything like crazy so i get to that awesum coffee machine =]

-not as long hours
the boss was like
"oh on saturdays, because your a junior, you'll only work about 4-5 hours max because otherwise you get tired and your feet will get sore. and then you'll have the rest of the day to do watever you want"

-they seem relli noice
the boss doesn't work, actually it seems like the boss has no clue of wats going on, so if i have any problems i just address it to the manager, or one of the senior girls. the manager is a chick whos actually leaving soon, and thats why their hiring but yeh they all seem like really noice people =]

inspired by srisha, i want to do a 30day blog challenge as well!
so guys give me some topics i can talk about and when or if i get 30, ill start it, one topic a day =]

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